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And then they don't stop after I say "I get it" a few times. 💀
  • Just a caveat, seeking therapy for ADHD is improving mental fortitude. Nothing wrong with that, and some people might need chemical assistance. Hard to say, its such a young field.

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    Peter Molyneux thinks generative AI is the future of games, all but guaranteeing that it won't be
  • Depends who would pay more for the technology. Game developers or invidividual voice actors.

    Maybe if they had a big enough union, they could swing it. Although at that point just get ai voices banned to protect your field.

    Also, just an aside, I wouldnt pay extra for an AI version of an actor I liked. Thats still not them acting.

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    Best frenemies forever ❤️
  • And america has no racism because we had a black president. Your logic sounds pretty but falls apart once you start trying replacement variables.

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    Al Qaeda Marks 9/11 Anniversary with Honor Flight to New York
  • Tough to argue with the logic here:

    “We’ve seen how veterans in the West get the red-carpet treatment, visiting the sites of their greatest achievements,” said an al Qaeda spokesperson, who remained anonymous out of fear of losing his life for speaking with Western media. “We thought, why not give our members a chance to reflect on their ‘mission accomplished’ moment, just like the American veterans who visit their war memorials?”

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    Man Self-Immolates Outside Boston Israeli Consulate in Protest of Gaza Genocide
  • I think the only counter argument really is that if you protest like that, you can't protest again in the future, usually.

    I would hope that he could have done more net good with the remaining 80 years of his life if he had dedicated it to the causes he believes in.

    They also run the risk of there being zero coverage when it happens, which makes it a regrettable decision. I didnt hear about the second person who did this, just the first and third.

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    It's rule for me
  • Well give it some thought, why be disappointed it didnt work out with people you weren't compatible with?

    Give yourself some credit, you aren't being rejected in the way you think.

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    Posting the shopping cart theory because people had questions in a separate thread
  • First, what absolute savage would take a new acquaintance or romantic interest grocery shopping and make a show out of leaving the cart? Thats absolutely a red flag.

    Second, you are right that with strangers it won't matter if you judge them, but thats only true from their perspective. The way you think and carry on affects how you feel, its not a good idea to waste energy judging people in that way. It affects how you perceive and interact with the world essentially.

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    MAGA is straight up losing it after Taylor Swift’s Harris endorsement
  • I don't think this makes trump look good either way, I'm not defending him.

    Either he's an idiot who got tricked into posting something he should have known not to, or he's an idiot who has idiot friends who sent him something and he posted it.

    I thought she was going to sue him for it.

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    MAGA is straight up losing it after Taylor Swift’s Harris endorsement
  • Never said I was defending what trump did. Just said he could have been duped into it. I actually thought shed sue him over it but I guess the endorsement works.

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    Jill Stein schooled on House of Representatives in brutal "Breakfast Club" interview
  • Sure that could happen, but then you never had those voters. At some point you have to lay the blame at the people who voted like this, if it happens.

    This is like saying that getting a question wrong on a test can be the difference between pass and fail, and then picking a question at random and deciding to focus on that instead of the whole test.

    You are right it could be enough people to match the difference in votes, but thats not the same as saying its essential we get that voter block no matter what. Theres a ton of things that make a difference, but its the collection of them that makes a candidate.

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    Colorado teen shot in the face by town councilman after going to home to ask permission to take homecoming photos
  • Are there states that actually code racism like that into law or does it just bear out with the statistics?

    I only know my home state laws really, and its legal here to walk around with a rifle on your back. Although last time someone tried that in my town the police came and followed him for a few hours.

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    Colorado teen shot in the face by town councilman after going to home to ask permission to take homecoming photos
  • He intended to citizens arrest or something along those lines. He didnt intend to shoot though, which doesn't change much, but I at least think an accident is different than on purpose.

    Still guilty of something, and honestly wouldnt be too shocked if the charge was the same regardless.

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    Colorado teen shot in the face by town councilman after going to home to ask permission to take homecoming photos
  • Sure, you are perfect. Got it. You totally deserve guns. Hope you practice the unspoken 5th rule of locking them up correctly. More likely to be used on a family member than an intruder.

    Must have some scary family members huh.

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    Colorado teen shot in the face by town councilman after going to home to ask permission to take homecoming photos
  • We know what he said as the gun fired and how he reacted, based on the victims friends testimony. Its still awful, its just different awful. Like instead of just wondering why some psycho would shoot someone on sight, we should talk about how dangerous mistakes with a gun are, and how capable anyone is of making a fatal mistake.

    Shout out your four rules all you want, they don't keep anyone safe in the way y'all think they do. They are a morality test so those with guns don't have to feel guilty for putting their entire family in danger just to puff up their ego.
