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Let the man enjoy his boats
  • I am no expert on train autism (I have uh, Star Trek autism?) but I feel like it’s a super diverse group. From massive model setups to the people in Japan who have amazing train driving simulator setups, to the people who know absolutely everything about the history and operation of the New York subway system, and I feel like I’ve certainly seen timetables be a part of it.

    Edit: just writing that made me want to get into trains, it sounds so fun, dammit.

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    My friend suggested I use different names for variables..
  • SHOUTING_SNAKE_CASE aka SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE is the best case for all use cases, because it gives you a chance to use its wonderful names.

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    Harris puts Trump on defensive in fiery presidential debate
  • To be fair, I support free healthcare, including gender affirming care, for absolutely everyone. Which means, yes, I do want to do transgender operations on illegal aliens that are in prison. Not the top of my priority list, but a win’s a win.

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    OG dick pic
  • I’ve been sent dick pics before, but being a lesbian they were very unwelcome. If someone sent me a painting of their boobs, though, yep—seems like that would work.

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    Trek Connect: Episode 2 [Trivia Game]
  • Two points each. Should have been 3 on the first one, but I wasn’t confident and both were plot elements in multiple ds9 eps

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    Worst examples of Treknobabble
  • A few months ago I bought some old (quite good) speakers. My first step, of course, was to use a calibrated mic to measure them. One measured way better than the other. Took them apart and realized at some point someone had connected wires incorrectly on one of the tweeters causing it to be out of phase. Do you know what this means?

    I REVERSED THE POLARITY AND FIXED MY AUDIO PROBLEM. That day I became a Starfleet Engineer.

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    (Only) Trek Connect: Episode 1, Round 1 [Trivia Game]
  • Fun game, Zero points. If Q had been listed before Evek, i might have had a chance at getting it there, but I didn’t remember all of Evek’s appearances.

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    What are your first principles (rules you've developed) in your life?
  • To me, having a strong opinion means I have thought about the problem space enough to understand what I believe are the important aspects and what optimizes them. Remembering to hold them weakly in the light of previously unconsidered or under appreciated arguments prevents me from becoming overly rigid.

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    What are your first principles (rules you've developed) in your life?
  • Make it work, then make it work right.

    And it’s companion for understanding how things came to be- every complex working system invariably developed from a simple working system

    Have strong opinions that are weakly held.

    Don’t let “perfect” be the enemy of “good”

    Now that I think about it, my principles like my life may be all about engineering…

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    Lord of the Rings Characters: Screen Time vs. Mentions in the Books
  • Not at all, I really like Boromir’s story, but that’s why I’m surprised. I feel like his development got a lot of attention, and even though Faramir was around for longer in the story, he never seemed quite as prominent to me. I guess that duration made up for the attention boromir got early on, though.

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    Mercator v Reality
  • Sure, that’s why I qualified with “for its intended purpose”. It’s not a great classroom map but it is perhaps the most historically important projection. The problem is this idea of “Mercator bad” has entered public consciousness. For example, the start of this thread mentioned “how not-great the mercator is” without any such qualifications.

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    Mercator v Reality
  • Yeah, it’s actually a really great map for its purpose of navigation, which is a pretty damn important aspect of map usage. I’m tired of everyone shitting on it because of that scene in west wing.
