is there a word for this? where a girl presents another girls body?
Neither of these seem to be against the Lemmy NSFW instance rules on the homepage..
Rule 6. No Illegal or Prohibited Content: The sharing or promotion of anything Illegal is Prohibited.
Obviously laws around anything differ from country to country, but while fictional depiction of stuff like that is not illegal, promotion of real-life animal abuse definitely is. Hopefully I've clarified the issue.
Hmm i uninstalled and reinstaqlled and i'm not seeing an option for "Add Python to PATH" Could there be an alternate name?
After extracting the WebUI files and doing the git clone, ive tried to double click webui-user.bat but the terminal that opens up says "python not found" but i've got python downloaded..
Hmm ill probably have mroe questions but for now im curious:
- how much space was the download(s)?
- how confusing is the software to use?
- what kind of limitations does the software have? can i do multiple people? monsters? futa? etc.
Thanks for your help! :)
Yeah ur right, very good point
Are these softwares all free to download/use? Also, how does one start doing this? do i just need the WebUi or do i need extra files to feed into it and stuff?