Those were backed and funded by the Kremlin.
As was Trump.
What. The. Actual. Fuck.
Hey, we NEED those shitbag votes too
I used to love me some Nightvale
Winner winner chicken dinner
Exactly, it is a long time before the statute of limitations kicks in
Once we have more people we will need to enforce more rules
This terrifies me.
Risky click of the day paid off
Bannon just got out of jail for ignoring a subpoena
And Trump’s message is support for bigotry- all bigots welcome
In Jesus and John Wayne Kristin Du Mez explains it all and brings receipts.
About 15 years ago Microsoft had this great idea.
What if we forced everyone to use our software on the web so they can’t buy it.
Macros will no longer work, but not many people use macros so fuck those guys, they are nerds anyway.
This became the heyday of the Libre Software movement. And the reason I still occasionally use it.
Companies run on the simple automation the nerds create with Macros and companies aren’t going to hire a bunch more clerks so they can pay more for shittier software.
TL;DR, Microsoft backed down when people voted with their feet and not before.
Good idea. Get going on that.
Good lord, you are right. He looks a billion times better on the way out.
I’ve been there. It sucks sooooooooo much. Especially if you’ve made family sacrifices (missing events etc.) to travel to get those deals closed - just to see them just evaporate in a whim.
That’s why I got out of Tech Sales and into management.
If Trump said:
Then you remove the nazis from your country by any means necessary
We would know what he meant. You are saying the same genocidal thing.
Calm your pits Beka.
Nobody should be advocating for a Final Solution.
People were this divided over FDR. My next door neighbor only ever referred to FDR as that “gimpy legged sonofabitch”. This was in the 1970’s.
If the good guys win the election, we can start to heal this if we choose to. But only if we take the complaints of everyone seriously. Ignoring the needs and political power of white men is what got us into this cluster.
If the bad guys win, start looking for allies.
Didn’t the US VW union just jam through a huge raise?
Don’t see them listed on the cutting board.
Don’t believe the naysayers. No matter which state you are in, your vote is important. Extreme Conservatives have been taking over school boards and imposing their agenda on kids.
Offices like Sheriff, Coroner, Secretary of State, Lt Governor, State Representatives, City and County Councils etc. are all important.
Every Vote Counts!!!!!
Many important local races will be decided by less votes than the number of updoots I will receive for this comment.
UPDATE 10/4 6:47 EDT
I have been going through all the comments. THANKS!!!!!! I did not know about the techniques listed, so they are extremely helpful. Sorry for the slow update. As I mentioned below, I got behind with this yesterday so work cut into my evening.
I ran a port scan. The first syntax, -p, brought no joy. The nmap software itself suggested changing to -Pn. That brought an interesting response:
nmap -Pn 1-9999 <Local IP Addr>
Starting Nmap 7.93 ( ) at 2024-10-04 11:44 BST
Failed to resolve "1-9999". Nmap scan report for <Local IP Address> Host is up (0.070s latency). All 1000 scanned ports on are in ignored states. Not shown: 990 filtered tcp ports (no-response), 10 filtered tcp ports (host-unreach) Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 6.03 seconds Just to be absolutely sure, I turned off my work computer (the only windows box on my network) and reran the same syntax with the same results.
As I read this, there is definitely something on my network running windows that is not showing up on the DHCP.
I am working through all these suggestions. I am sorry for the slow responses, but I have my hands full with family weekend. I will post more next tomorrow. But I did do one thing that has me scratching my head and wondering if this may be a wild goose chase.
I ran the nmap again per below with a completely fictional IP address within my normal range. It gave the exact same results:
nmap -A -T4 -p- -Pn <Fictional IP>
Starting Nmap 7.93 ( ) at 2024-10-05 13:36 BST Nmap scan report for <Fictional IP>
Host is up (0.054s latency).
All 65535 scanned ports on <Fictional IP> are in ignored states.
Not shown: 65525 filtered tcp ports (no-response), 10 filtered tcp ports (host-unreach)
Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at .
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 182.18 seconds
I have been using Logitech peripherals for years. Logitech gear always just worked.
Now they demand internet accounts to use the features of the keyboard and mouse that I purchased. WTF?
Not only that, have to use wide-open-to-snooping Chrome to adjust the settings. You cannot adjust/use your mouse and keyboard if you just use Firefox.
This only makes sense if they are planning (or are already) tracking my every move online to sell to advertisers or spooks.
What are the good options?
Also, if anybody sees how these changes could be benign, please let me know.
By popular demand:
The keyboard I bought that started this journey: MX Keys S
The key feature that first demanded cloud access: Swithing between computers, now it is requires it to adjust the receivers. I have both a Bolt and a Unifying receiver.
Mouse (actually a trackball) that now is requesting that I use a Chrome Browser to adjust it: M570
Software: The Logi SetPoint Settings I open from Windows now requires you to log into your Logitech account to make changes to your Unifying or 2.4 ghz usb receiver. This link takes you to a screen that says Logi Web Connect. It does not work unless you use the latest version of Chrome, Edge, & Opera, but reccomends Chrome for the best experience.
Logitech + used to require this to enable options, but I don’t see it on my Windows computer anymore. It is still on my Mac, but upon opening it to confirm for this message, it seems to be announcing that it is now able to incorporate AI into everything I type. (ugggh)
I am sorry, but I think this is a subscriber only podcast. Today when discussing the advancements of AI and Digital Twins, the expert said they are now “Streets Ahead”.
Specifically he said “Formula One manufacturers have some of the most advanced technology you can see. They are Streets Ahead of other manufacturers.
I thought this group may appreciate that.
Edit: the timestamp is 11:30 The name of the podcast is: Foiled Again, A Second Attempt on Trump