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Reddit is removing ability to opt out of ad personalization based on your activity on the platform
  • No chance they will block out the entire EU market. They will probably just do the same as everyone else and make a specific EU policy.

    Actually I think Meta Threads is still not available in EU for the same reasons.

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    Windows eats partitions
  • If you install Linux first and then Windows on the same drive, it will fuck up your bootloader.

    You can easily make Grub boot Windows, so just overwrite whatever fuckup Windows made, or install Windows first.

    It won't happen with a simple update, though, that's for sure. Maybe if you're upgrading Windows to a new major release.

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    a dark turn for the worse is always inevitable
  • I think it's completely insane to say that any of that is worse now than it ever was. Luckily you only meet pessimism like this in sheltered online echo chambers, so busy whining about Elon Musk or "Google bad" or other irrelevant bullshit, that they can't see beyond their own bubble of ignorance.

    The fact that Twitter is dying or websites are collecting more cookies is not a world crisis. The rest of these issues are just caused by USA's capitalist greed, and no amount of activism is changing that, evidently.

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    a dark turn for the worse is always inevitable
  • The internet has endless quality content (including porn) for free and is still a place where you can have fun while being completely anonymous.

    The world has never been more peaceful and prosperous.

    I don't get how either is worse than, say, 20 years ago. Stop being so fucking pessimistic all the time. It is what you make it.

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    How to write a 'tar' command
  • I just have pack and extract functions in my shell RC files that look at file extensions and use the proper tool with proper arguments.

    Wrote them 10 years ago and they've worked flawlessly ever since!

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    Data coverage
  • Big parts of Europe has. I pay about €17 for unlimited 5G.

    I have wifi at home of course but I still mostly use cellular cus it's faster lol

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    They don't have such weaknesses
  • Same in Denmark. It was 15 until recently. We also held the record for teenage drinking for a long time, and still hold "most average alcohol per session" or something.

    Yet we are statistically one of the "happiest" countries in the world. And take the most antidepressants!

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    They don't have such weaknesses
  • The result of this is that all drinking Swedes just have a huge storage of alcohol at home though.

    They also frequently drive all the way to Germany (through Denmark) to shop duty-free drinks in bulk.

    Scandinavian countries have "pant" on bottles and cans, meaning you pay extra for the container, but get the money back when you return it empty.

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    ‘Starfield’ Gets Its Harshest Review Yet: Bethesda’s Game Is ‘Small’ A ‘Shallow Ocean’
  • The gameplay in Fallout 4 was better than 3 and NV imo. But Fallout 3 still had the Fallout freedom and charm, which I feel was lost in the others. The gameplay just sucked ass, and even the NPCs from 1998 provided better immersion.

    I think 90% of Fallout fans never played the first two.

    Instead of hiring 30+ studios to do their work, they should've hired one good studio and ditched their ancient poop engine 15 years ago.

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    ‘Starfield’ Gets Its Harshest Review Yet: Bethesda’s Game Is ‘Small’ A ‘Shallow Ocean’
  • I'm not sure if everyone's opinion just changed over night, but saying anything bad about Skyrim or Bethesda games used to get you downvoted to hell in casual video game communities, and this is even a Bethesda community.

    People praise Skyrim like it's the greatest game ever, like it's the only game they ever played. What happened?

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    Finally boarded the ship! And all it took was swallowing my pride.
  • Compared to almost all other distros, Arch is advanced in the way that it's the simplest of them all. Nothing except the very basics are set up for you, so it's tough to start with.
