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Trump Has Crossed a Truly Unacceptable Line
  • The thing I believe you are missing in your assessment is that it took outside forces to overcome Nazism in Germany, and Fascism in Europe more broadly.

    Nobody is coming to save us this time. We are the world's leading nuclear superpower. So, any attempt to change course is going to have to come from within unless we are talking about destroying civilization entirely.

    I don't see a way that outside diplomacy is going to have any effect either. We must accept the reality we are in, and fight back by using grassroots methods to stop the radicalization of our peers.

    I grant you that it feels like a hopeless battle at times, but so do all wars of attrition. I understand the anger and the fear. It is justified. However, we need to be clear eyed and sober minded about the reality we are living in. So, I think my original point still stands.

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    Trump Has Crossed a Truly Unacceptable Line
  • Half of us....Let's not other-ize them because I'm assuming you are also American, and like it or not they are our fucking peers.

    One way or another they are our fucking problem to deal with unfortunately. I know you didn't really mean it like that most likely, but I think it is important to recognize that we have to accept the reality of the society we are living in no matter how much we fucking hate it.

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    Trump Has Crossed a Truly Unacceptable Line
  • Yeah, I'm wondering about that too...

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    Trump can’t accept his poor debate. So he’s spiraled into conspiracy theories.
  • Never heard about Tab Clear, but the Crystal Pepsi reference checks out ✔️

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    He must be stopped!
  • I also downvoted you both as a show of support for the consistent application of your principals, and because I also think Vaush is an annoying fuck.

    I didn't even know about most of the rage-bait controversy shit from this thread. I just hated him because he's the living embodiment of the Well Ackshually meme....

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    Banning Spree?
  • I'm moderately offended that I haven't been banned yet. It's giving "the last one picked for kickball" vibes. I want to speak to the fucking manager of c/vegan immediately!

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    "Dog Walk"
  • 👏😂🫡

  • Dog Walk:

    (verb) When you’re beating someone’s ass and you’re dragging them as if you were walking a dog.

    “Ima dog walk yo ass if you keep talkin shit!”

    “He got dog walked in that fight DEBATE last night.”

    Tuesday 9/10 Presidential Debate Megathread!
  • You are looking at this from your perspective, not the the normie, middle-America, knuckle-dragger perspective.

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    Tuesday 9/10 Presidential Debate Megathread!
  • Good thing you prepared because he is absolutely cooking Kamala so far. Jesus fucking christ.

    Edit: She is doing slightly better after getting warmed up. The moderation with the microphones has been horrendous though. They are letting that stupid cocksucker capitalize on rebuting every time he wants to. She needs to start attacking him. Hit the low blows. Take the fucking gloves off.

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    Trump signals support for reclassifying pot as a less dangerous drug, in line with Harris' position.
  • You fail to take into account that basically 90% of the cannabis industry is owned by white people, many of whom are alt-right counterculturists, and more of them than you'd think are pro-Trump.

    It turns out that an industry built around people with a tenuous appreciation for the law are often easily coopted by a demagogue who constantly threatens to overthrow the government.

    They serve the same masters, and are on the same team. It doesn't matter what all of the 2025'ers think they are going to get. Trump is going to do what is good for him to remain in power, and removing other white people from positions of ownership in a sin-taxed industry that is coopted by the government isn't one of those things.

    What you believe is irrelevant. I have seen the beast from the inside, and I can tell you for a fact that cannabis is staying legal as long as it is profitable for the white robber barons.

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    Trump signals support for reclassifying pot as a less dangerous drug, in line with Harris' position.
  • That is already happening. They don't need to make cannabis illegal again in order to monopolize the industry. All that takes is time, money, and effective lobbyists.

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    Trump signals support for reclassifying pot as a less dangerous drug, in line with Harris' position.
  • You clearly don't know shit about legal cannabis. This will never happen in a million fucking years regardless of who is in office.

    There is too much economic infrastructure built out around the industry now, and the states & federal government make a fortune in tax revenue. There is literally a zero percent chance cannabis legalization is rolled back further than where it is today.

    Source: worked in the cannabis industry for almost 15 years.

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    Trump threatens to jail adversaries in escalating rhetoric ahead of pivotal debate
  • I ain't going out without a fight. I guaran-fucking-tee you that.

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    'This pig': Observers erupt as ex-president caught 'threatening the voters' at his rally
  • There's nothing more dangerous than a cornered animal as they say...

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    'Shocking abdication': Georgia Republican's pro-Trump decision stuns experts
  • Not to be pedantic, but aren't those two things intrinsically connected at some level?

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    The Irony of 'You Wouldn't Download a Car' Making a Comeback in AI Debates
  • Even if they learned exactly like humans do, like so fucking what, right!? Humans have to pay EXORBITANT fees for higher education in this country. Arguing that your bot gets socialized education before the people do is fucking absurd.

  • Judge in Trump's hush money case raises questions about social media post claiming to preview jury verdict

    Judge Juan Merchan asked prosecutors and Trump's defense team about a Facebook post that appeared to preview the outcome of the former president's hush money trial.

    13 Chaos and division erupt at Washington Republican convention in Spokane

    On Friday, the Washington State Republican Party's convention in Spokane erupted with moments of booing, chanting obscenities, and people turning their backs to the party's own candidates.


    cross-posted from:

    > Greetings fellow Lemmings, > > I know this is a community that has a strong backbone in the Software and Technology space. I am a returning student in my mid-30's that is returning to college as a way to pursue a career change. I am looking to crowdsource opinions from experienced tech professionals so I can make good quality, informed decisions about how I move forward with my educational and career goals. > > With that being said my question is how would you proceed between the programs I have linked below? I am starting at a STEM focused community college (Bellevue College) in the Pacific Northwest. My long term goal is to either transfer to another four year institution (like UW Bothell) grade permitting, or perhaps finish a four year degree from this institution. This is where your advice comes in, and where I believe I need better outside perspective to make a good decision. > > Option #1 (Software Development - Application Development Track) > This is where I have been leaning because it seems to afford me the largest number of future options with the direction I take my education. Most importantly I think it sets me up in the best position to make the potential transition to the University of Washington Bothell's Computer Science & Software Engineering program. The Application Development track has a stronger focus on C# & .NET framework programming languages, which seems to provide a better foundation for more potential job opportunities at the moment. > > Option #2 (Software Development - Artificial Intelligence Track) > Artificial Intelligence is obviously the buzzword of the moment. However, I am wondering if I am robbing myself of options by over-specializing this early in the process, and I also have concerns about focusing my learning process so heavily on Python when that seems to be something that is not used as a standard backbone language for more enterprise level businesses. I also don't have any interest in the robotics area of this degree, as I don't see that as being something I would look to pursue in my career. I do want to be conscientious about learning whatever is going to provide me the most future utility, therefore, I am wondering if this is the way to go for that reason. > > Link to Program Information > > Ultimately, I am open to any and all advice, recommendations, and wisdom that my fellow Lemmings have to provide. My previous background was in a completely unrelated field, but I have always had a passion for technology and I am a quick learner with a lean lifestyle and no external distractions. Completing this process and securing employment will be my focus 100% for the next 3-4 years. With that in mind, tell me what you think. > > - Where should I go with my education? > - What pitfalls should I avoid? > - When should I specialize? > - Am I crazy for doing this later in life? > > Hit me with anything you've got Lemmy, it is all appreciated!


    Greetings fellow Lemmings,

    I know this is a community that has a strong backbone in the Software and Technology space. I am a returning student in my mid-30's that is returning to college as a way to pursue a career change. I am looking to crowdsource opinions from experienced tech professionals so I can make good quality, informed decisions about how I move forward with my educational and career goals.

    With that being said my question is how would you proceed between the programs I have linked below? I am starting at a STEM focused community college (Bellevue College) in the Pacific Northwest. My long term goal is to either transfer to another four year institution (like UW Bothell) grade permitting, or perhaps finish a four year degree from this institution. This is where your advice comes in, and where I believe I need better outside perspective to make a good decision.

    Option #1 (Software Development - Application Development Track) This is where I have been leaning because it seems to afford me the largest number of future options with the direction I take my education. Most importantly I think it sets me up in the best position to make the potential transition to the University of Washington Bothell's Computer Science & Software Engineering program. The Application Development track has a stronger focus on C# & .NET framework programming languages, which seems to provide a better foundation for more potential job opportunities at the moment.

    Option #2 (Software Development - Artificial Intelligence Track) Artificial Intelligence is obviously the buzzword of the moment. However, I am wondering if I am robbing myself of options by over-specializing this early in the process, and I also have concerns about focusing my learning process so heavily on Python when that seems to be something that is not used as a standard backbone language for more enterprise level businesses. I also don't have any interest in the robotics area of this degree, as I don't see that as being something I would look to pursue in my career. I do want to be conscientious about learning whatever is going to provide me the most future utility, therefore, I am wondering if this is the way to go for that reason.

    Link to Program Information

    Ultimately, I am open to any and all advice, recommendations, and wisdom that my fellow Lemmings have to provide. My previous background was in a completely unrelated field, but I have always had a passion for technology and I am a quick learner with a lean lifestyle and no external distractions. Completing this process and securing employment will be my focus 100% for the next 3-4 years. With that in mind, tell me what you think.

    • Where should I go with my education?
    • What pitfalls should I avoid?
    • When should I specialize?
    • Am I crazy for doing this later in life?

    Hit me with anything you've got Lemmy, it is all appreciated!

    Edit: I'm watching the NFC Championship Game, but I will respond to all of you as soon as it is over. Really appreciate all the responses so far!

    8 Trump must pay E. Jean Carroll over $83 million in defamation damages, jury rules

    The verdict comes after a dramatic day in court that included the former president storming out of the courtroom during Carroll's closing argument.

    Former President Donald Trump must pay writer E. Jean Carroll over $83 million in damages for repeatedly defaming her, a jury found Friday.

    The nine-person jury began deliberations in federal court in New York at 1:40 p.m. ET and reached a verdict in just under three hours.
