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Some light genocide
  • Build dual power institutions and provide the services of a functioning state within the dying husk of the current regime until such time that it collapses under its own contradictions when you leverage the organization and capacity you've built up to seize state power.

    And if you don't the fascists will.

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    Some light genocide
  • What a sophomoric little shit.

    Democrats are at least split on the topic of Israel and genocide

    You live entirely in your own head. Why don't you go out and try to find something from the real world that reflects this assumption you call a fact?

    Google: Rashida Tlaib. And sort by new.

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    Some light genocide
  • What an asshole criticizing someone for telling them they're less than human man fuck that guy

    and how dare they draw a parallel to other examples of dehumanization that have life and death stakes. Grrr

    I will respond with grandstanding and vagueposting telling them to commit suicide. Go team good guys!

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    Some light genocide
  • Complaining about me having an edit window of 5 minutes in a comment where you came back 15 minutes later to add shit

    go completely fuck yourself with your hypocritical bitching

    Not that you added a single thing of substance mind you

    You think another link to republicans being bad changes my reply to your three previous links of the same thing? Deeply unserious. You argue like you're sleep walking. Zero conscious thought. Simply not paying attention. Dull.

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    Some light genocide
  • ^ That was your whole post when I responded, btw.


    It’s 2023, my dude. You should learn about apps and phone notifications.

    You should turn them the fuck off, weirdo.

    I wish you didn’t exist

    so completely out of character for the person who won't condition their vote on opposing genocide

    and the fact that you almost certainly vote is very demoralizing

    holy fucking shit this is possibly the stupidest fucking thing I've ever seen anyone write before

    What are you upset at me about for then??? ??? ???

    motherfucker right after you called me stupid. fucking lol

    In co herent

    hope it beeps every time I edit lol

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    Some light genocide
  • The combined power rings of every major and minor party swirling in a thousand bands of light to combine into my political opinion

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    Some light genocide
  • Please stop editing your fucking posts. It’s like trying to argue with your drafts.

    Maybe don't refresh your page every 30 seconds you fucking psychopath.

    In the bounds of Israel support, there’s no good candidate. We’re arguing because you’re trying to pretend this is a democrat vs republican thing.

    And that's why my thesis is you should vote for the lesser evil. I'm completely incoherent lol

    Edit: NOTE: by 'lesser evil' I mean the maximum amount of evil but the other side wouldn't be any better

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    Some light genocide
  • Whataboutism. A vote is a gesture of support. A vote for something is supporting that thing.

    You support murdering children.

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    Some light genocide
  • Your argument boils down to actual real life whataboutism. You dodge the question of supporting genocide yourself by saying the other side is also bad.

    So the fuck what? Blood on your hands is morally superior because YOU'RE morally superior?

    You're voting in favor of murdering children either way. Even on your own terms. You just pretend it doesn't matter.

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    Some light genocide
  • That's a high minded reason to vote in favor of fascism ideologically and genocide in practice. My biggest problem is that you don't even believe that's what you're doing. You're not fixing the 'broken' 'democratic' system. You have no plans to.

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    Some light genocide
  • Me: shooting a child in the head because if I don't the other party will

    "honk honk I don't actually like murdering children lol believe me"
