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  • The problem is that they aren't buying mega yachts. Buying a mega yacht would put ship builders to work.

    Instead, they are buying the factories where the workers labor. The are buying the mortgages the workers are paying, the car loans the workers are paying. They are using their money to buy up income-generating financial assets, and spending less than you or I do on actual products and services.

    Replace "mega yacht" with "registered security", and we have created a functioning economy.

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    Someone got woken up on Sunday morning 🤣
  • FYI: on YouTube links, only the first part of the link is needed. The question mark and everything after it is tracking data that identifies your account. You can delete the question mark and everything after it; your link will still work, but you won't be feeding them tracking data when we click on it.

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    Climate protesters are taking action against Big Oil. UK courts are handing them prison terms akin to rapists and thieves
  • Their actions are effective at getting legislative action against protests and impeding travel. Their effects on stopping oil, however, have been somewhere between "completely ineffective" and "counterproductive".

    The reason people have a hard time believing their actions are effective is because their actions are not at all effective.

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    Climate protesters are taking action against Big Oil. UK courts are handing them prison terms akin to rapists and thieves
  • Their actions are damaging the cause. They are making it harder for environmental activism to be taken seriously. Now, actual activism has to fight not just the oil industry, but also everyone that JSO has pissed off.

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    Climate protesters are taking action against Big Oil. UK courts are handing them prison terms akin to rapists and thieves
  • I'm not sure how you managed to misunderstand, but by disruptions I was referring to precisely the kind of disruptions of the lives of ordinary people that - and I'm sure we can at least agree on this - they have quite successfully caused.

    I agree, they've done a bangup job bringing attention to the ongoing fight against jaywalking.

    Against oil, not so much.

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    Climate protesters are taking action against Big Oil. UK courts are handing them prison terms akin to rapists and thieves
  • JSO "martyrs" are for the cause of free speech, not against oil. JSO is distracting people from oil. JSO is diverting legislative attention away from oil.

    I suggest you stop reading articles, and start looking at reality. The reality is that JSO has demonstrated they are as effective at "disrupting" the oil industry as the Westboro Baptist Church has been at "disrupting" homosexuality: not the fuck at all.

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    Climate protesters are taking action against Big Oil. UK courts are handing them prison terms akin to rapists and thieves
  • That's what JSO is doing. thinks they are doing, despite all evidence to the contrary.


    I'll note that nobody in this thread has yet made a single comment promoting a specific political action against oil. Your last comment comes the closest, but even that doesn't even qualify as a "concept of a plan".

    JSO isn't inspiring people to talk about oil. They are inspiring people to talk about the limits of free speech, and the preservation of the right to travel. They've inspired legislators to act, just not in any way that would actually affect the oil industry. JSO has certainly accomplished something with their antics, just not anything that they've set out to do.

    Again, direct action against the oil industry. Exploit it's soft targets, raise the cost of oil, make alternatives relatively cheaper, and watch the problem disappear.

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    Climate protesters are taking action against Big Oil. UK courts are handing them prison terms akin to rapists and thieves
  • So close, yet so far away...

    Political pressure leads to action that targets the oil industry the protesters.


    The only thing they have actually achieved is enhanced enforcement and penalties for impeding traffic.

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    Third day of bomb threats inspired by Trump lies sends Springfield hospitals into lockdown
  • Well, they also aren't performing sex change operations on kindergartners. I mean, all those other things are important, to be sure. But we need to prioritize, don't we?

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    Climate protesters are taking action against Big Oil. UK courts are handing them prison terms akin to rapists and thieves
  • Switching to an electric car doesn't get them out of a JSO-sponsored traffic jam. Nothing about the JSO actions provides any incentive for the consumer to actually do anything about oil.

    You take out the gas stations, you'll actually be inconveniencing the consumers who still use them. And only those consumers. Everyone else is untouched. You're also promoting the remaining shops that don't offer fossil fuels, by removing their competition. You won't be interfering with the ambulances and electric cars either.

    Consumers will get the hint that oil is under indictment, and factor that into their next car buying decision. That doesn't happen when an electric car doesn't get them past a JSO traffic jam.

  • Gripe #1: From inbox, replying directly to a comment, I get the error "Could not determine post to comment to". I don't have this problem when I am viewing a comment in a post's, thread, only when viewing it from the inbox.

    Gripe #2: Tapping the comment in the inbox takes me to the comment thread for the post, but does not take me to the specific comment within that thread. In a long thread, I can't always find the specific comment I am trying to reply to.

    Edit: version 0.2.4

    Edit2: Gripe #3: haven't figured out how to edit posts within Thunder; had to switch to Connect to make these edits...


    I am getting this error pretty regularly. I'll see a message in my inbox, and when I tap through to view it in context, it's missing. Can't find a cause or a workaround.
