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A journey to understand the hidden prejudice that nobody takes seriously.

Veganism is a way to see things more clearly without doing the tiresome mental gymnastics of justifying your part in the status quo.
  • Why would losing the empathy be the next step?

    It's not just the eating behavior of others, it's needless killing of living beings purely for enjoyment, that's not something that should just be accepted.

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    'Eco-friendly' straws contain potentially toxic chemicals – posing a threat to people and wildlife.
  • Calm the fuck down bud, I said nothing ableist at all.

    You said "You personally not using something, doesn't mean others don't" and the whole tone of your comment sounds like you're against getting rid of straws.

    Yes straws isn't single-handedly destroying the planet but not giving out needless plastic with every drink is still good.

    Yes some people will still need straws, no one said "FUCK DISABLED PEOPLE, NO STRAWS FOR YOU" and when talking about general problems and solutions like this we all know there will be exceptions.

    Bringing up fringes cases and making it sound like a general counter argument is silly.

    And no I don't eat sea food or any other animals and yes I tell other people to stop too :)

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    'Eco-friendly' straws contain potentially toxic chemicals – posing a threat to people and wildlife.
  • Please stop bringing up fringe cases when talking about general problem, they could still have straws but the default is no straw, people that need it ask, or people that need straws could bring their own straws.

    It's silly to use this to justify a straw coming with every drink ever.

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    Swiss Seniors Are Suing Over Climate Change’s Threat To Their Health
  • So you don't want them to fight against climate change?

    You have no clue what these specific people have done in their life, maybe they've always been activists.

    Even if they were somehow involved in creating the problem then wouldn't it be a good thing for them to turn around and fight against it?

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    The Profound Loneliness of Being Collapse Aware
  • I also feel this with veganism, it's crushingly depressing being surrounded by so much casual violence and if you bring it up people think you're a weirdo and mean..

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    Make way for a new vegan protein on the menu | TechCrunch
  • Protein is difficult to get when cutting meat out of your diet.

    It really isn't, it's weird that this myth is still going strong.

    Plants have plenty of protein.

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    Make way for a new vegan protein on the menu | TechCrunch
  • Why do I want protein in my ice cream?
    Why are they talking about it like it's normal and I should know what protein in ice cream does?
    I've never heard protein mentioned in the context of ice cream, vegan or not.

  • noyb win: First major fine (€ 1 million) for using Google Analytics

    Swedish data protection authority (IMY) issued decisions against four companies and imposed a fine of 12 mio SEK (1 mio Euro) against Tele2 and 300.000 SEK against CDON

    Swedish data protection authority (IMY) issued decisions against four companies and imposed a fine of 12 mio SEK (1 mio Euro) against Tele2 and 300.000 SEK against CDON
