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Has anyone else noticed a sudden lack of reading comprehension skills?
  • Splendid, we have an example!

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    Has anyone else noticed a sudden lack of reading comprehension skills?
  • Some of the earliest studies I read about COVID was how it can enter the brain like meningitis and effect a person's cognitive functions. This was a while back and I can't vouch for the accuracy of the information, but seeing how much people have seemed to have lost their minds over the last few years makes me think back to that study.

    I can't say I've been immune to it either. I have never been "symptomatic", but the last 3 years have definitely felt more hazy than the times before, and have made me question my own sanity.

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    Has anyone else noticed a sudden lack of reading comprehension skills?
  • I get this all the time. Too often I'll even get someone trying to pick a fight with me, but if they actually read my post they would find I agree with them. Either that or they'll bring up a point I already addressed in my post.

    There's a certain point where if I feel someone's not comprehending what I'm writing, continuing the conversation is a waste of my time. Even insulting them would require literacy on their end.

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    Behold the human!
  • I love how early in the bible, Satan's role is actually to be the contrarian to God's designs. Doesn't actually commit any evil unless given permission by God to do so. Is kinda treated like one of the angels rather than the fallen one.

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    Donald Trump teaches his student, Socrates, about morality and Western philosophy.
  • Trump travels back in time, and mugs Socrates with his invisible gun.

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    Inside the AI Porn Marketplace Where Everything and Everyone Is for Sale
  • Click on comments hoping to find conversations on the ethics of AI porn. Instead find a 20+ comment chain scrutinizing the details of the feet and other features on the thumbnail.

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    This may or may not influence my next car choice
  • Happy to know some trekky out their is living their dream job.

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    What country is this person from?
  • Redneck here. Lemme check.


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    Chillin near Mt Hood
  • That's the kind of place I wish i could be right now.

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    Some of my best friends like cheese
  • I mean....I do like cheese

  • Which is it kbin?

    Bad take aside, It's frustrating the upvotes and downvotes I get on kbin don't match up to how they appear on lemmy, or hell, even other instances of kbin.

    I'll have posts that have 20 upvotes here on, but 2 elsewhere. I'll have posts that will have no downvotes at all on, but they'll be present on lemmy.

    How am I supposed to gauge people's reactions when the feedback isn't consistant between sites and instances?

    Like I get there are several reasons people remain. It just feels kinda weird to listen to a podcaster or youtuber go off on twittter, yet they still use twitter exclusively.
  • Well it's not like the Youtube comment section is where I would expect anyone to safely interact.

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    Like I get there are several reasons people remain. It just feels kinda weird to listen to a podcaster or youtuber go off on twittter, yet they still use twitter exclusively.
  • Like I'm forgiving of artists because most of their customer base is there, and internationally, alt platforms are even more unknown. I am somewhat forgiving of journalists who want to reach the widest amount of people possible, despite the fact that Musk has been intentionally targeting and censoring journalists he doesn't like.

    I really don't get a lot of leftist or liberal content creators though. Many constantly push the message that you vote with your wallet, and discourage patronizing businesses, services, or franchises that actively hate or harm marginalized people. Yet at the same time, they are using a platform owned by some who is literally trying to make the platform as hostile to marginalized people as possible. A lot of users have left twitter because they no longer feel safe using the platform. In fact, the reason you see a lot of queer people here on fediverse is because many of them are twitter refugees.

    And yet many leftist and liberal creators remain on twitter, exclusively in fact. I could understand it if they pushed some content to alts to keep within reach of users that left while still maintaining their fanbase on twitter, but many of them won't even touch any of the alternatives, much less make themselves more reachable on youtube or other social platforms. By remaining on twitter, they are encouraging their userbase to remain as well, which creates engagement, which benefits ad companies who pay Musk, who funnels that into groups and causes that undermine their audience.

    At this point, It is an integrity test for me. How large is this creator's following on twitter? How often does this person post and interact on twitter? and what have they said in the past about interacting with harmful brands? What's their excuse for remaining if any, and would they had accepted that excuse if the shoe was on the other foot?

    I accept some people have an addiction, and as someone who tried to leave reddit many times, I know it can be a hard one to kick. But if your brand is built on integrity, standing up for the marginalized, and being ethical with your consumption habbits, remaining active on twitter is not a good look to me.

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    Like I get there are several reasons people remain. It just feels kinda weird to listen to a podcaster or youtuber go off on twittter, yet they still use twitter exclusively.
  • I've just learned to follow smaller accounts with similar interest. As a celebrity follow machine, it's awful because nobody is really on there officially except for a handful of people.

    Hashtags are much more important on Masto too cause without an algorithm, its one of the only ways your posts are visible to others. I find with the right combo of tags though, I can get a decent amount of interaction.

    There was a good solid week where most of my attention was focused on Mastodon. I guess it all depends on what you were originally using twitter for. I guess it clicked for me cause I barely used twitter to begin with.

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    LTT, now sponsored by BP
  • British Petroleum. The meme comes from the South Park episode lampooning the BP oil spill and BP's response to it. The meme is making fun of the fact that youtubers use the same non-apology whenever they're in trouble.

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    Doing what I can to encourage growth and help people be seen.
  • Isn't that the show with the lightsabers?

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    Its rulesday
  • I too live a day ahead in the future. AMA

  • The Kbin Experience. The Best Worst Way to Interact with the Fediverse.

    Introduction I have a very unhealthy addiction to the internet. It probably wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that the majority of my 20s were spent in front of Youtube and Reddit. Reddit dr…

    A blog post I made about my experience on Kbin, what I like about it, and some of the challenges I still face in using it. Any feedback would be appreciated as someone who is still new to blogging. Thanks.


    New account from different instance. Reply if visible
