There’s several problems here:
Giving homeless people food you cannot serve due to it being under heat lamps too long isn’t cool. If it’s risky for you it’s riskier for them as they don’t have their own space to be sick in. This is why many hot dishes are thrown out.
Homeless shelters and food assistance programs discourage giving old food as it sends the message to recipients that they aren’t worth getting a fresh meal. It’s about decency.
My mom ran an interim housing program, a food bank, and a homeless shelter. When restaurants gave food they made it for the shelter. It wasn’t their leftovers. The only things that were “old” were the Starbuck’s pastries as they drove them over twice a day and thus the guys at the shelter weren’t getting stale stuff.
Letting people take home food increases losses as your staff will make extra to take home so it “won’t get thrown out”. As loss is a hugely important metric in restaurants you don’t want to encourage this.
Or you pursue weirder spaces to get profit ie I had a boss who hated her cousin but flew to India for his wedding because the bride’s brother ran a paper factory. She came back having spent $10k on gift wrap and bags that would have cost $100k+ here. We sold bags for $7 that cost $0.13. Our highest profit item in awine shop was a paper bag. We of course would give these out for “free” when we needed to.
“The cost of your entitlement is my job”
Why are there two?
Im not sure what you are expecting here. Repeating racist statements isn’t something I think is beneficial andI have explained elsewhere in this thread the nature of the racism I see.
Have you ever run a business before? You need to make money which at the time meant stadium rock and “Top 40” pop radio.
MTV was not started to provide access for smaller acts to break into the mainstream especially at a time when hiphop was very localized.
Do you have a job? Does it require you to do things you don’t want to do? Would you rather sit on your ass than stand outside of a car dealership all day? For most including the police the answer to all of these is “yes”.
After years realizing the other person misread every single second you spent with them changed the nature of our friendship significantly.
Imagine if after two years you realized someone you thought of as one of your closest friends had no idea what you wanted from them. It was weird and we grew apart.
I often have to do things that I wouldn’t want to do at my job.
MTV ignored black music because most radio stations did. MTV was a big risk and the financiers weren't looking to take risks on pushing a new genre of music that wasn't mainstream with most audiences at that time.
They had no choice in the matter. I am willing to bet no one wanted to stand there.
I report it and move on. Im not looking to highlight it here.
AnCaps are idiots that accept the Austrian school of economics.
Tankies are in general poorly educated leftists with limitied logical processing skills.
And they oppose NATO because they supported Soviet imperialism.
There's no reason to believe they will move on to another version of reddit. There's no reason to believe they will interact with the fediverse.
They could simply stop browsing news aggregators
I had a girl who I had been hanging out with regularly gently explain to me that we were never going to have a sexual or romantic relationship.
I was stopped cold by this. I had no idea how to explain to her that in the two years of hanging out daily I never tried to kiss her, hold her hand, or even meet her family. I just was never interested and she thought I was always about to make a move.
I thought we were just friends? So did she but she thought I wanted otherwise. It was weird. We aren't friends now.
Jobs ate only fruit. That is a lot of sugar. Your liver doesn't like that.
If he had pursued modern medical treatments rather than a sugar filled diet he might have lived. He would have to have stepped down though and he did not want to do that.
He would also have to admit he was completely wrong about his diet and that he absolutely did not want to do as it was tied to some dumbass "philosophy" he followed.
All over this place. Most often it’s people who consistently highlight the race they presume the other person to be while attacking them.

What’s an acceptable gender neutral replacement for “techbro”?
Im looking for something that isn’t gender specific but carries the same inherent disdain that “techbro” has.