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Trump is a threat whether he wins or loses, Biden says
  • Still better to end up with the lesser of the two weevils

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    Google Chrome warns uBlock Origin may soon be disabled
  • I'm in my mid 60s and know a few people that never even heard the term "browser extension" before. How they tolerate using the web with no ad blocking is beyond me.

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    Google Chrome warns uBlock Origin may soon be disabled
  • The only options I want are Girl Scout thin mints or peanut butter cookies

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    Google Chrome warns uBlock Origin may soon be disabled
  • Even with an ad blocker, it gets more unusable every year that goes by

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    Exclusive: Bernie Sanders worries young people are underestimating the threat from Trump
  • Because of the electoral college, my vote doesn't mean much of anything in a presidential election because I live in a very blue state, not a swing state. I still vote, though.

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    To Fight ‘Shrinkflation’ France Will Force Retailers to Warn Shoppers: Merchants will be required to put signs in front of all products that have been reduced in size without a corresponding price cut
  • I do that because I used to work in grocery stores and can noticed even small, incremental price changes on many items. Most consumers don't do that and hardly notice 3 cents more on this and 2 ounces short on that. We are already accustomed to toilet paper and laundry detergent mega-size and "concentrated" bullshit.

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    Is it normal to forget your own age?
  • The only reason I remember that I'm 64 is that I will be 65 on my next birthday. That's kind of a milestone for a number of reasons and it's easy to remember. The same was true when I was about to turn 50. Other than that, anything after 30 is kind of blurry

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    Government money
  • No need for ad hominem attacks. Profiteering has always been a part of inflation but it's never the cause or the underlying reason that inflation occurs. There are a host of things that go into what drives inflation but during Covid it was the Fed dumping tons of money into the system and post Covid it was wage inflation and low unemployment. Do corporations still use predatory pricing? You bet. The only thing that will really work now is either very deep recession or a depression.

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    Amazon Prime Video will start showing ads on January 29th unless you pay extra for ad-free
  • I don't stream much but being disabled, I can't get to the store so I do order stuff from Amazon. What I've seen in the last few years is an influx of Chinese sellers with tons and tons of garbage and all of the reviews are completely worthless, of course.

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    Melting Snowflakes!
  • I'm Bernie Sanders left and wish I had a gas stove and could buy more steak.

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    Respect to anyone still managing a library of mp3s
  • I've been using an 8 GB MP3 player I got 6 years ago for 30 bucks and a full charge still lasts for hours and hours.

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    You’ve just spent $400 on a baby monitor. Now you need a subscription | Once upon a time there was a company called Miku who wasn’t making quite enough money...
  • I can just hear some people going, "WHAT? Are you crazy?". I was a little tike in the early 60s and the only monitor my mom had was me screaming or the "THUNK" of me falling and hitting the floor.

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    Twitter is losing daily active users. CEO Linda Yaccarino confirmed it.
  • There was no catalyst specifically but I deleted my shortcuts and uninstalled the app a couple of weeks ago because there just isn't anything for me on Twitter, X or whatever. Have not gone back since.

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    One million years from now...
  • The last time I saw a Wizard of id comic strip was in the early 70s.

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    Or just anyone who likes the convenience
  • None of the stores where I live now do that. If the produce has a numbered sku sticker on it, you could just punch in the 4 numbers but if there's no sticker anywhere on your apples or something, you have to look them up and make sure you hit the right one because there are a lot of different types of apples and pears and whatnot. A cashier generally knows the product number by memory or can find it superfast.

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    Or just anyone who likes the convenience
  • I do not like them at all, especially when I have a lot of produce to weigh.

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    more true every year
  • You broadened the term so much you turned it into a huge amorphous blanket that covers generations of invectives. I'll stick with Merriam-Webster, thanks

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    I hate how everything requires you to download a shitty proprietary data harvesting app nowadays when everything can be done just fine without an app.
  • As with most property management companies, they'll just tell you, "Hey if you don't like it, move". I think they may have put a small blurb in the apartment complex newsletter a month prior but nobody reads those. Also, I had just upgraded to a phone that had mobile data, otherwise, I could not have used the machines because they no longer had coin slots and the app must connect to the Internet to use it. I also had a large bowl of quarters left over that I ended up using at the car wash... Which will soon be cashless also.

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    more true every year
  • Who cares about downvotes? That's a Reddit thing. I'm an old white guy but I vote Democrat all the way down ticket every time. I was a big Bernie Sanders supporter. What I do not like is virtue signaling and forcing diversity into various media when it's not necessary. Call that anti-woke if you want.

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    I hate how everything requires you to download a shitty proprietary data harvesting app nowadays when everything can be done just fine without an app.
  • They put Bluetooth in our apartment complex laundromat and if you don't have a smart phone or Internet service on your phone, you don't do laundry.
