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> If your friends ask what youre doing, just tell them that youre a French chef.

Trump Threatens the NASDAQ After Exchange Halts Trading on His Media Company: ‘What’s Going On?’
  • At whatever point it becomes clear to him that he is going to lose the election he will almost certainly cash out. If the race is close then he may make a gamble. But he is going to need the cash if he loses.

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    'It just exploded': Woman who sparked Trump's migrant pet-eating hoax comes forward
  • I think more of the blame should fall on Trump. She is at least apologizing, despite her racism. Trump shone the national spotlight on this city by amplifying an obvious lie in front of 10’s of millions of people last Tuesday and his squad reacted as they always do.

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    Watch Stephen Miller have a full meltdown when asked to back up crime claim with facts
  • It’s disappointing to see a bipartisan bill (this rarely happens) that could have made a difference get killed without making it to the house floor. That seemed like the middle ground solution.

    Sadly, Trump is getting exactly what he wanted out of this election. His cornerstone argument is the border and he is literally nothing without it.

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    Springfield City Hall, school, county hit by threats tied to Haitian issue
  • This is what I hated the most about Trump’s presidency (and beyond). His willingness to ruin the lives of specific individuals or groups of the public by weighing in on things like this, twisting the truth, and sicking his base against them to enact violence.

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    Springfield City Hall, school, county hit by threats tied to Haitian issue
  • I don’t think it is too much of that case based on a bit of preliminary reading. They appear to like it for job opportunities and low cost housing. From the Dayton Daily News:

    One big question: Why did Haitians start moving to Springfield in the first place?

    Reporter Lynn Husley, who has extensively covered the Haitian community there, says this: “They are attracted to a community that has plentiful job opportunities and supportive services for them.”

    Hulsey says sources she has interviewed report those who come to Springfield will tell their family and friends back home they can find affordable living in Springfield as well.

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    Tyreek Hill learned he isn’t allowed to do what white people do
  • I’m tired of talking to you because you keep trying to put words in my mouth or creating alternate understandings for which I am clearly stating my opinion. So you can “win” based on my own exhaustion of your rhetoric against mine. I’ve stated my piece and do not desire to argue it further. I hope you have a nice day and despite my desire to end the discussion, I hope you can appreciate my opinion in at least some form. Good night.

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    Trump running mate J.D. Vance: Americans won't be influenced by a 'billionaire celebrity'
  • I thought you were looking for examples of her having lots of following and money, which seemed like a strange thing to have to prove.

    For grudges, I think her rule is that she doesn’t hold one, “per se”, and rises above it. I do remember an incident with somebody (want to say Kanye) at an awards show and the way in which I remember her handling it was to let her class and fans speak out for her without having to use her mouth to cut someone down.

  • I have a new Miele steam oven and you can “sous vide” with it. I quote that because you surround the bag/food with steam rather than a bath of liquid water. Not sure if that matters? It seems to work ok, but twice the meat came out under what I wanted, although I’m still learning and making progress with each try.

    Who else uses a steam oven and what advice can you share?


    Bad news everyone! Nobody is posting and I’m not getting my daily fix of Snu Snu, Mom slaps, Leela eye rolls, and of course opportunities to bite Bender’s shiny metal ass.

    Let’s go folks!


    I think mine is the new LGA. The no-touch bathroom doors are fancy and I feel like there is a tons of areas to settle in. The bar is huge. Pretty solid food bar, although they served salmon non-stop for a while after they opened.

    I’d like to check out the club at ORD, but I never get an opportunity to go there.
