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  • I'm not in abstinence, but for a while I felt like I was drinking too often. I happen across these posts on occasion, and I thought I could give a tip for someone who may be looking to quit entirely.

    While not getting wasted or anything, for a while I had found myself having a few drinks three or four nights a week at what I consider my most out of control period. Then a few months ago, I got treated for adult ADHD, and suddenly I don't really care about alcohol anymore. It's like overnight I lost my interest, and now only drink socially on occasion.

    It's well documented that alcoholism is comorbid with many mental disorders, sometimes to cope or self medicated. So if anyone out there is struggling hard with a substance, it may be helpful to get your head checked out by a professional if you haven't yet. Not necessarily a miracle cure, but possibly a good place to start if you have the means.

    As an aside, I also quit binge eating, phoning out, and putting off tasks.

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    Well that was great. Let's see what people on the internet think!
  • I'm convinced if you don't love the sonic movies, you missed the whole point.

    You can't make a good sonic film. It's a stupid concept with no nuance or reality, and has a plot of bad guy hates fast animal.

    So someone made the movies so absurdly stupid that they're good again. I've been playing sonic since I was 3, from the original until now. The only thing I wanted from a sonic movie was unrelated product placement, ham fisted sensitive scenes, Jim Carrey doing whatever he fucking feels like, and forced olive garden.

    The first movie legit gets one more star for every olive garden ad. Then the second cast fucking Idris Elba as knuckles and had a character referred to as the olive garden guy.

    Absolute genius. It could never be great, so go for absurdism.

  • Jump
    Well that was great. Let's see what people on the internet think!
  • I'm very discerning with media in general, and it has to be worth my time if I'm going to watch it. I love movies you discover more in on every rewatch, and can get in to solid discussions about character motives or possible themes. But you have to know what you're getting into. Some movies are definitely just bad and not worth watching, but others have a goal and meet it.

    I've had superhero fatigue since about 2005, but that being said, a friend wanted to watch Venom with me a few weeks ago. It's not a good movie, but I wasn't not entertained.

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    What games do you think should NEVER be remastered, because they're close to perfect as they are?
  • I never played Spyro growing up, so I don't have the nostalgia boner for it, but my partner did. Watching them play it was infuriating. The difficulty in the first three games is based entirely on the controls being dogshit.

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    What games do you think should NEVER be remastered, because they're close to perfect as they are?
  • I think the re2+3 remakes are great games, but I don't think they're better than the originals. 3 especially felt really cut and dumbed down compared to it's source. I think I put 40 hours into the original story, and beat the remake in about 6.

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    What games do you think should NEVER be remastered, because they're close to perfect as they are?
  • I would have said dead space until the remake came out and blew me away. So if the devs really care about it no game is untouchable to me. You can always play the original.

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    What unusual genre mixing video games would you recommend to try?
  • Inscryption. First person puzzle horror/card battle game. It's one of the coolest games out there, and I detest card battle games.

    Nier atomata. Hack and slash RPG/bullet hell. Wild story, fun gameplay, feels a little like kingdom hearts but more serious.

    Hunt:showdown. First person survival horror/Battle Royale/intense shooter. Probably my favorite co op and has a killer aesthetic. Historical guns are fun to play with as well.

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    It's a risk worth taking.
  • People have asked, and I'll tell them what I've got if they're interested, but I'm not proclaiming it by any means. Most don't know that I have made several different firearms and custom attachments. My core group is outwardly some of the most peaceful people you'll meet, self aware, kind, pro mental health, pro acceptance of any marginalized group, but also understanding of the importance of defending ourselves from the encroaching wave of modern fascism.

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    It's a risk worth taking.
  • They have louder gun owners. My friends and I don't advertise our arsenals, and we practice plenty. My carry is hidden from everyone around me, because many people are uncomfortable around guns, and I don't want to make anyone have to think about it. I am not unique, and I'm in a progressive area.

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    Random 2015-5-17
  • While this is only semantics and based on nothing more than my preference, I would argue that a drill is a type of driver. If you call it a drill driver, I might get upset though.

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    Random 2015-5-17
  • Openly admitting to being pedantic. That said, here we go: it's a DRIVER, the end is the CHUCK, which holds the SHANK of the BIT, which can be a DRILL.

    I understand it's a setup to the punchline, and nobody actually gives a shit.

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    Yeah but nah but yeah
  • Just give a quick "oh, thank you" in a pleasant, surprised tone. Comes off as gracious, but not conceited. Unless it's something you can't help, then it's more charming if you act like it's a skill in a cheeky way. I.e "wow you're tall"

    "Thanks I've been working on it"

    It's worth noting, you'll come off as more awkward if you try to fire back a compliment yourself. It came organically to them, and isn't necessary to mirror, unless you feel like they're fishing.
