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Mastodon or Lemmy
  • That's fair enough, I do hope more people move to the Fediverse in the future.

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    Mastodon or Lemmy
  • That's completely fair enough, I find topics are a good go-to but have recently been enjoying Kbin for the next of both.

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    Mastodon or Lemmy
  • Have you ever thought of following the people from Kbin instead of Mastodon?

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    Mastodon or Lemmy
  • Thank you for sharing your experience.

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    Mastodon or Lemmy
  • Fair enough, I've been slowly looking Kbin as that seems to be a mix between the two.

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    So why do you perfer Kbin over Lemmy?
  • Yeah looking to see if I can bring the content I've used on here across or if I need to 100% restart from scratch again. I do luckily already have a Kbin account that I've been messing around with but don't want to lose my Communities / Magazines.

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    So why do you perfer Kbin over Lemmy?
  • Thank you, this really has opened up my mind.

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    So why do you perfer Kbin over Lemmy?
  • It's good to know that Kbin is newer than Lemmy, probably hints why some of it needs a bit of work but I have enjoyed the two seconds of usage I have had on it. Also, I'm only just learning now about the stuff that Lemmy has done, Not sure it's been suppressed or people are just not informed, I will look further into Kbin thank you.

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    So why do you perfer Kbin over Lemmy?
  • Yeah I'll have to look into that as if they are accepting not only Genocide but possibly the Genocide of Trans people then I've got to get out quick due to being a Trans Person myself.

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    So why do you perfer Kbin over Lemmy?
  • That is completly fair enough, I personally find stable but some other people don't seem to have the same expereince. My guess is because of the location of the server.

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    So why do you perfer Kbin over Lemmy?
  • Yeah I do see the use of using multiple but I know that I will in the future prefer having a 'Main' and as of the moment it seems like my Lemmy will be that.

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    Mastodon or Lemmy
  • Maybe someone should try posting the whole bible into a comment or something lol

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    So why do you perfer Kbin over Lemmy?
  • Thank you, you've been so useful and don't worry about the long message it's what these are for.

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    Mastodon or Lemmy
  • Checking it out now, glad to be open about what platforms I try out.

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    Mastodon or Lemmy
  • What about Kbin have you tired that as it's meant to be like a Lemmy + Mastodon mix. Not sure if it is but I'm trying it out now to see if it's truly worth it. I currently perfer Lemmy.

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    Mastodon or Lemmy
  • I agree, it seems like there is so much content being released on Mastodon every second as Lemmy seems to be slow but you can get a quick response when you wish too.

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    Mastodon or Lemmy
  • Thank you, this explained it very well. I'll probably carry on using Lemmy even more than I currently do as I seem to enjoy it more as well as it seems to run very smooth like you said.

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    Mastodon or Lemmy
  • Yeah I understand that, I was just asking why people lean more towards Lemmy, As I personally never used to use Social Media.

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    Mastodon or Lemmy
  • That makes sense, use them as different platforms as you can't have 100% crossover at all times.

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    Is it true that a social media platform that allows anonymous downvotes has the potential to become a toxic environment?
  • Kbin does allow downvotes from what I can see and downvotes doesn't really bring it to a toxic environment as it's just a way to easily disagree with someone without having to go into depth in the comments. It's like YouTube videos, if you dislike it doesn't mean it's bad, it just means you personally don't like it.

  • I have most of the Fediverse-based account and seem to have just gravitated towards Lemmy over Kbin as found it very confusing, What makes you prefer Kbin over Lemmy or any other Fediverse instances?


    So I've been starting to look further into the Fediverse and using it a lot more than any other part of the internet at this point. I wanna know the reasons why people might prefer Lemmy or Mastodon, I have both but seem to lean towards Lemmy for some reason, but not sure why maybe it's the simple design and you can find topics a little easier or it might be because I prefer the idea of Reddit over twitter.

    Why do you prefer Lemmy? (or mastodon?)


    Abandoned / Lost Communities; Communitiy

    So I have been finding Lemmy has abandoned and other words lost communities due to only having one admin and then them getting banned making the whole community be unmoderated.

    Is there a community that deals with Lost / Abandoned Communities?


    So I know about Mastodon, Lemmy / Kbin, PeerTube, and Element but is there a Fediverse alternative to Music & Podcasts (preferably one that doesn't connect to Crypto)


    So I came across someone who was community squatting and now have seen they have been banned from is there anyway I or anyone else can Claim any of the Communities they created as they now no longer have any mods.


    What sort of Post to Comment Ratio would you say is a good range for Lemmy / KBin?

    I'm interested in knowing what people think a good ratio of Post to Comments are on a Profile, like what would be a good standard / possibly amazing looking profile have for Post:Comments


    Hey I'm Samantha I live in Southampton UK. It's nice to see other Soton people on the Fediverse



    A community for my Local City.


    Has anyone started to create some form of ‘Copy’ Project for Reddit, Not like a clone of the site or something. I’m more thinking of a project that’s goal is to almost duplicate what Reddit currently has on it directly to Lemmy or other Fediverse platforms?


    I'm trying to create a community on but it seems to not want to let me click the create button after filling in everything, Is this a error or is it because I am new to it?
