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My husband got a packer and the first think he had to do was come and smack me with it.

https:// /post/7367401

I'm wondering what the group age range looks like. I'm 35 for example.

No obligations if you dont want to post you age. I wish lemmy had post so it would be a little more anonymous.

I have become so more horny after bottom surgery.
  • This might be a odd awnser but idk why I started transitioning. I have always felt like a women even before I realized thing like gender and sexuality. Fun enough before starting hormones I was exclusively into women and then I started and became Bi. Now I'm marrying a man so what a rollercoaster. I will say I am just more comfortable with my self and other since transitioning.

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    I have become so more horny after bottom surgery.
  • It is highly recommended you get hair removal. The surgeon you get with will have a recommendation for the exact location that needs hair removed from. That being said the Crane Center I went though will tell you if there is reasons you can't they can still preform the surgery, you will just have more chance of infection and well hair inside.

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    I have become so more horny after bottom surgery.
  • Oh trust me I am at the point where the swelling has gone down and the sutures are all most gone and its amazing how normal it looks. In a year you wouldn't even know. I will say pictures on line are usually of people early on and is a little miss leading of how everything will look in the end.

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    I have become so more horny after bottom surgery.
  • I had my surgery September 21st. So sadly I am actually unable to preform at the moment. But do I want. I wasn't expecting this. Funny I went way longer before surgery without sex so its not like I'm just frustrated because I can't.

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    I have become so more horny after bottom surgery.
  • Sorry my phone corrected meh to men. I am MTF and had bottom surgery about a month ago. I am still 2 months away from actually having being able to have sex. But I have noticed my sex drive has increase and I actually think about it now where as before surgery I really didn't care for sex or think much of it.

  • https:// /post/7027759

    This might because I have more confidence in myself now and the act is now being done using the correct parts. I'm just surprised how much my needs have increase because before surgery I was meh to sex.

    does anyone where should i look for makeup tutorials, because i feel like majority wouldnt work on masculine face shapes, and its so confusinggg
  • This is the biggest aspect of being a transwomen that is just plain hard because unlike ciswomen we are not normally given our teenage years to experiment and learn. Most of use are adults that have to just go from not wearing make up to having normal make up routine. Because of this any mistake to us feels like a flag we are a trans.

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    So I mustered up the courage to tell a friend of mine about how I feel
  • Amazing. Take your time picking a name I picked a name because I was kind of forced to and now so many people know me by it I really can't change it without outing myself so I'm stuck with a name I don't really like.

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    Week and a half post op. The realization still hasn't kicked in.
  • The realization that I actually got surgery. Most of my life the idea this would happen was just a dream. It was financially out of reach and I really didn't know how to abtained the letters I needed. It was not until the beginning of this year that everything just came together and I was able to figure everything out.

  • https:// /post/6112633

    I am a week and half from having bottom surgery. The surgery went perfectly and the healing is going way better then my doctor normal see. I just wanted to come on here and say ladies thinking about surgery feel free to ask your questions?

    Surgery: Penile Inversion Vaginoplasty

    Surgeon: Dr. Gerhard Mundinger
