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This is fine
  • Maybe it’s just me, maybe it’s the algorithms, but I do notice a difference in how I feel after spending time on the Lemmy or Mastodon vs Instagram or LinkedIn

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    Recommendation for Email-Provider
  • I use Proton and really like it, but I don’t know how to go about using my own domain (though I am interested in it). How difficult is it for someone without webdev and self hosting experience to get set up?

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    The dark arts
  • It’s not so much that I can’t make phone calls, as much as I don’t want to. 75% of the time you just end up playing phone tag, and I’d rather just email so they can reply at their convenience and there’s no question about who said what

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    Go get em
  • In grad school, I was talking to an Econ professor and mentioned that I had been reading a paper from another economist. He said that he’d edited a book chapter the other guy had written and found it so incomprehensibly wrong that he didn’t know where to start lol

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    A bit fucked up, isn't it?
  • All totally true! It’s definitely not great, but I try to find the silver linings rather than beat myself up about the hard parts. Good point about my ADHD being different than others’

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    Is Linux (dumb)user friendly yet?
  • What do you typically use your computer for? That’s going to have a major impact. If it’s pretty basic stuff (web browsing, text editing, etc) you shouldn’t have any issue. If it’s something that’s more complicated or unusual, then sometimes it’s easy to do and sometimes not, depending on what you want to do. In general, a little bit of comfort searching the web and working in the command line helps a lot with troubleshooting Linux

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    EPA locks in its flagship climate grants
  • A new administration might not like it, but they can’t claw it back. The money is distributed to multiple national green banks that will fund clean energy projects. They designed the program this way explicitly to protect the investment from interference from hostile federal or state administrations

  • EPA locks in its flagship climate grants

    The move makes it all but impossible for a new administration to claw back $27 billion intended for carbon-cutting projects.

    “The move makes it all but impossible for a new administration to claw back $27 billion intended for carbon-cutting projects.”

    Everyone deserves a joyful life
  • I think you missed the point of the post.

    Do you think I don’t know that life can be hard? I’ve had bad things happen to me for no reason. I know what crippling depression feels like.

    I’m also committed to finding joy and beauty in life, because it’s always there, if you know where and how to look.

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    Percentages of british adults who found each activity involving animals acceptable or unacceptable
  • Also, due to the Pittman-Robertson Act, taxes from hunting and fishing equipment and licenses are earmarked for wildlife conservation. Which is a good thing, but potentially becoming a problem as fewer people in younger generations are hunters, meaning less funding for conservation

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    Percentages of british adults who found each activity involving animals acceptable or unacceptable
  • Good point. Most vegetarians and vegans I’ve met have had relatively favorable views of hunting for food, compared to animal agriculture, since it’s such a more sustainable and ethical way to acquire meat

  • Authy got hacked, and 33 million user phone numbers were stolen

    Twilio has updated its iOS Authy two-factor authentication app following a hack that reportedly saw 33 million cellphone numbers being stolen.


    But it'll all be fine, I'm sure it'll blow over and never affect me
