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Crystals good, fungus bad
  • I thought the issue with Discovery was that it was written like a schlocky action movie and the crew are constantly at each other's throats

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    Full power (:
  • Israel could simply have not starved the people living in the Gaza strip to death over the course of decades while occasionally flicking airstrikes at them, which they were doing long before October.

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    Ohio voters add abortion rights to state constitution
  • Reality bites the GOP in the ass, as people do sometimes care about their material conditions more than the ability to cut off their own nose to spite their face.

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    We all know it amirite?
  • Remember when Israel got disqualified from the Karate event in the Summer Olympics because their opponent ate a kick to the head and was injured? There will never be a Karate event again. Israel is never getting that medal.
