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  • For interest sake, in Afrikaans,, Kant, phonetically pronounced the same as the English word Cunt.

    Kant, in afrikaans is the same as "side".

    This can confuse English speakers when they overhear Afrikaans people give directions.

    And they get even more confused when the Afrikaans people mix the use on purpose.

    A springbok Rugby player got in trouble recently, because he told another player to stay on his "side". The English player accused him of calling him a cunt. Hilarity ensued with people teasing the English player.

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    M*crosoft's search engine is borderline unusable
  • At least what you are looking for, is on the first page. With Google you get half a page of ads not relevant to your search, and two pages of SEO garbage, before you get to a relevant search.

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    At SpaceX, worker injuries soar in Elon Musk’s rush to Mars
  • Thx for the info. I think SpaceX has a bigger construction/manufacturing operation compares to other launch providers who tend to oursource most of that work.

    Pretty dire numbers as a significant portion are not high risk jobs.

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    At SpaceX, worker injuries soar in Elon Musk’s rush to Mars
  • Just playing devils advocate for a moment. Not saying that SpaceX should be doing everything it can for worker safety.

    But how do these numbers compare against similar industries like construction or fabrication?

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  • Or evolve the ability to echolocate with the reflections of the background noise. Like our eyes does with light.

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  • If the sound is more of a loud hiss, you might find that echolocation can work very well. Much like our eyes collect available light bouncing off surfaces, similar techniques can be used with sound.

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    How can we make Linux more appealing as "just works"?
  • I don't have much of a problem with the small open source projects that are generally very good at filling gaps or addressing niches.

    I think most of the waste is coming for the development done by the large open source houses. The canonical and red hats of the world. They should stick to what they are doing well, which is the foundational stuff.

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    How can we make Linux more appealing as "just works"?
  • I think it should be: "Software that is yours"

    Overall, I think more focus should be put on consolidating similar projects.

    Do we really need 6 different window managers that follow the same design logic?

    Do we really need each major distro to have its own package manager?

    How many image and PDF viewers do we need? How many music players?

    Can we convince Ubuntu that no one wants snaps and they are wasting developer resources.

    The freed up capacity should be focused on better windows app compatibility. Something akin to Valve's push in gaming.
