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Dreams of AI
  • In it's current iteration and implementation, yes. This iteration doesn't have people's interest at heart and saying otherwise is dishonest. All it is going to do is continue with the status quo, continue isolating people, and set the infrastructure for mega corp agricultural stores like how Amazon does it.

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    Starule valley expanded
  • Not dating, but socialization. We are so lonely and isolated, and economically stunted, that we have issue interacting and building any type of bond. And then add a pandemic where the only interaction was your family.

    To be clear, what i am trying to say it goes beyond dating and there is a systemic issue.

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    rule conditions
  • What a joke. You tankies are just as bad as Nazis and live in a different world. The USSR recreminalized homosexuality, and many queer people died.

    Keep coping.

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  • I have a tangential question I have been wanted an explanation for:

    If there are infinite universes, would there be infinite earth's?

    I remember (an) answer is infinite universes doesn't necessarily mean infinite earth's. A cool analogy of a CD rack was used when I read it, but I can't find it. Does anyone else have an explanation and/or analogy for this?

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    Diagon Lemmy - A Harry Potter-themed Lemmy Server is now live (before you block me instantly, please hear me out)
  • That's reddit. They don't want their users to bleed and the mods that are left are scabs. It will be similar with other sites and it can feel like spam. The best thing you can do is populate the lemmy with HP info and hope it kicks off one day

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    Diagon Lemmy - A Harry Potter-themed Lemmy Server is now live (before you block me instantly, please hear me out)
  • When I was growing up, a lot of queer kids loved HP. There is a literal potion in the books that completely changes you to another person, including sex. I know a lot of millenial trans people who were able to come out referencing that potion and scene and how they could relate or wish they had that potion.

    Imo, the books aren't that good. For elementary and middle schoolers, sure, but I don't think JK Rowling is a good author or world builder. I believe the IP/franchise relied heavily on the audience and Rowling backstabbed her queer fans. The same goes for the new game. It's more open world drivel and I think the only way it got this big is because idiots kept talking about it.

    With all of that said, having a community on lemmy that is about Harry Potter, and they are clearly pro-trans/queer, leftists/progressives, and ban any alt-right shitters then that is very good and powerful. It's so powerful to get more HP fans in more leftist spaces so they can incept those ideas.

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    friendly reminder rule
  • Yeah it's really dumb. My girl friends use dude amongsts themselves. It would be transphobic if they would stop using it when referring to our trans friend. Dude and guys has become gender neutral in many contexts.

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    supportive father rule
  • It's not. For being a southern cowboy dad that is a huge W for American trans people. The unfortunate reality is that guns are way too integrated into American society and culture to stop circulation. There needs to be major gun legislation and reform. So getting a gun as a gift may seem odd, but it makes sense.

    Cultural significance aside, the right wing is preparing for some shit. Unfortunately, It actually is recommended for trans people to arm themselves in America right now. It's all real fucked up now.


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    Families of hostages storm Knesset meeting after Netanyahu rejects Hamas offer
  • I am glad Israel doesn't negotiate with Hamas and has decided to carpet bomb and glass Gaza.

    Btw, how much video of the IDF fighting Hamas are there? It's been over 100 days of fighting. I swear we'd have so much video of the IDF fighting Hamas.

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    Sideloading won't be enabled where I live
  • 52nd*

    Canada and UK act all haughty about being superior to the US but we have MAGA here and the UK has similar, and there is a reason they are called TERF island.

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    [Moldy Monday] Post-Grad Learning Rule
  • Meme answer: yes

    Serious answer: sexuality is much more complicated and doesn't only involve sexual organs. Sexuality encompasses a social and cultural aspect as well. Including transwomen also means including women can have penises. Things like straight pegging is becoming more main stream as well. Just like how a lesbian uses a penis shaped dildo, a man using a dildo isn't necessarily gay, bi, or pan. There's also a biological function as well. Women and men did evolve concurrently together which means our genitals "fit together" which may explain why some people prefer a penis like dildo. I think this idea gets supported as we look at the plethora of dildo adjusted and created to really hit the spot like bad dragons and others.

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  • Because I cherish my privacy and I don't think it matters what your height is or rule 1 and 2. I am a short king, average looking, but I understand people and I can be genuine at times and have wonderful experiences.
