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I've been eating those lunchbox sized Peperami's for so long that, having gone back to the original Peperami i feel like I've just commited an act of public indecency.
  • Yep, the big 'uns feel sinful, but if you shout "Turn away, Jesus!" before you eat it, it's ok.

    Oh, and Aldi's Meatsters are superior to Pepperami in every way.

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    Barber just fucked up my beard
  • My worst nightmare. I haven't been to the barbers for just over 12 years now (thanks male pattern baldness), and I'm not sure I trust anyone with my beard except myself. If I mess it up at least I'm only mad at me.

    Yours looks alright though tbh, I'd maybe just trim the bottom off that goatee bit but maybe wait till after the ZZ Top convention.

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    Why has Britain become so poor?
  • I never touched him

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    The science is clear. So why can’t governments agree on vaping?
  • There are numbers to back it up, in the study I linked. Is 10 times less not significant?

    The primary harm from cigarettes doesn't come from the nicotine, it comes from all the other toxic chemicals released by combustion, which aren't present in the aerosol exhaled from a vape.

    Nobody is claiming it to be 100% safe (what is?), but it's not even in the same ballpark of harm as smoking is.

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    The science is clear. So why can’t governments agree on vaping?
  • Which bit is false?

    From the first link:

    The key finding of this study is that e-cigarettes emit significant amounts of nicotine but do not emit significant amounts of CO and VOCs. We also found that the level of secondhand exposure to nicotine depends on the e-cigarette brand. However, the emissions of nicotine from e-cigarettes were significantly lower than those of tobacco cigarettes.

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    The science is clear. So why can’t governments agree on vaping?
  • Saying that vapes are dangerous is misinformation at best. Vaping got you off smoking cigarettes (congrats btw), which are far more dangerous. Yes, you may have consumed more nicotine, but you didn't consume any of the other thousands of toxic or even carcinogenic chemicals present in cigarette smoke.

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    The science is clear. So why can’t governments agree on vaping?
  • An adult should be able to do whatever the fuck they want, as long as it doesn't impact other people. Vaping doesn't emit any carcinogens or toxic substances, and 10 times less nicotine than smoking does. At the end of the day, vaping does far less harm than smoking, and it's easier to reduce the amount of nicotine consumed with vaping. Nicotine also has health benefits, such as slowing down the onset of Parkinson's.

    If teenagers are vaping then that's an enforcement issue, but at the same time I would be less worried if I found a vape in my kid's bedroom than a packet of cigarettes. Teenagers will experiement with substances. Nicotne vapes are way down the list of ones I would be worried about.

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    The science is clear. So why can’t governments agree on vaping?
  • Smoking kills 8 million people worldwide every year. I think it's worth pushing the alternatives.

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    whats your family's wee inside jokes or names for things that other folk (or better - your kids) find weird and annoying?
  • I like to pronounce Jog with a soft J sound, like yog, which I think came from Anchorman. This has now evolved into things like yoghurt having a hard J at the beginning.

    It's hard to describe how much pleasure I get from shouting "Yog down there and grab us a pack of Joghurts" at the kids in the supermarket. The eye roll almost makes the whole supermarket experience worth it.

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    Google's interpretation of Apple's AirDrop, Nearby Share, is now officially out of beta for Windows.
  • Just think, somebody probably got paid to come up with that name. How do I get that job?

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    What are you playing Wednesday
  • I finally caved in to the hype and bought Dave the Diver. It's very enjoyable. There's nothing revolutionary about it so far but it's very well put together, and funny in a way that I haven't seen in a video game since the old point and click games.

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    Boris the pig tempted out of ditch with Turkish delight
  • Just in case it ever crops up, this would work on me as well. @HandBanana

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    Thursday complaints
  • Thursdays are usually pretty good for me because I don't allow any meetings. I can just get on with actual work instead of having to talk to people.

    One fairly minor moan - I've got a load of annual leave I need to use up by the end of August so have booked every Friday off for the next six weeks. Sounds great in theory, but the amount of work hasn't been reduced, and I already had more than I could reasonably fit into a week. It does mean that today is technically Friday though, so I'll count it as a win. @sideone

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    Sunday Sunday Sunday!
  • My better half is off to aldi first thing so I'll be clowning around with the kids for an hour or so. I've been really wanting to do a Big Cook this weekend. It's too warm for a roast so I think I'll make burritos instead. Still fairly involved but the oven will only be on about a quarter of the time so hopefully less swampy.

    Other than that, just pottering around the house. My eldest is off on a residential trip with school in September and needs to learn how to put a duvet cover on so that's one of my regular jobs palmed off.

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    Sunday Sunday Sunday!
  • Oof, sounds rough. Hope you recover soon. Also, brace yourself for "self-love" injury jokes from colleagues if you turn up with any sort of wrist brace/cast.

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    Tonight we eat like kings!
  • That's tea sorted then. Remember, don't go straight from rice krispies to coco pops, you need to break it up with the mutigrain shapes.

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    Saturday chat thread
  • You could go the whole hog and top it off with hundreds and thousands.

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    Saturday chat thread
  • Well, it's Saturday so that means the kids are allowed nutoka (aldi nutella) on toast. The eldest is making it for them both and I'm half-heartedly trying to dissuade her from having it an inch thick.

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    causal UK is back open.
  • I'm suspicious of every sub that has reopened after they said they wouldn't. Reddit in general isn't a comfortable place any more

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    What's an innocent misconception about your hobby/profession that drives you up the wall?
  • I usually don't care about typos as long as the message gets across, but for some reason the too/to mix up really gets me riled up. I instinctively get cross and have to tell myself to chill tf out
