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Bigfive Personality Test
  • I only have some concerns about their incomplete privacy policy. What's in it for them? Will my data be sold?

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    Please Grieve Your Diagnosis
  • I feel you, though it is not as bas for me as you described. I was lucky. My wife sat through the whole journey. She's rock solid.

    Got diagnosed at age 26. (I'm 42 now) Straight on the meds. Side effects were intense but the awareness was mind boggling. I experienced focus for the first time in my life. Side effect was I was experiencing focus the whole time. Worrying was something new. A potential black hole caused by CERN in Switzerland was my main focus. I was on my way to a sabotage the whole plant. Big out bag ready and all. Fortunately my psych asked for side effects and I quit the meds for a few weeks. All settled down bit I was scared.

    Then the acceptance came. I reorientated. Pushed myself through evening classes and got my master in public management. Because of the awareness I made it.

    Got into a management position three years ago and thing fell apart. 6 Months ago I was on the verge of burnout and went to the doctors'. Told my story and now I'm on meds again. A low dose but it's awesome. It's the hand on the back that supports me and not the strong arm that pulls me like before.

    I'm angry. At least, I used to be. Because the signs were clear and none of my teachers saw it. They are on the front line, they should've noticed. They told me I was lazy, even stupid and I believed it. I wasted a lot of years in shitty jobs but now I'm on track and functional. It took way to many years to realize how it affected my family life. As I told before. My wife is a rock.

    The only thing that I wat to warn about is that the meds take away you good traits too. Make sure the dose is right. I'm creative and I don't have a box to think outside of. I had interests... Way too many so I know a lot about a lot. That is my strength. The meds mess with that part of me but when well balanced ADHD is my super power.

    Take care. Love you all.

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    Company creates "solution" to address school "vaping incidents".
  • I agree. These are anonymous messages. I don't see any privacy violations.

    They could set up camera's that record who's entering and leaving the restroom and thus violate privacy but this seems fair play to me. They'll just vape somewhere else.

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    Any non-tech-background self-hosters?
  • No background but I can read and listen. There are plenty of resources around.

    I started out of privacy concerns and I wanted to deGoogle It started this year with a RPI and pihole. Then I saw Mealie, bought a domain, and started sharing recipes with my family.

    At first I messed around with Casa OS. It's like a gateway drug. So easy to use and get stuff running.

    Last week a 2nd hand i5 arrived and now I moved everything to proxmox. The RPI is still running pihole. At the moment I'm setting up Immich and I'm thinking about buying a NAS.

    Since it is a new hobby I keep everything low cost. If it sticks I'll invest in a proper home server.

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    TIL that Ferrari & Lamborghini no longer make cars with a manual transmission
  • Took me a while to get that reference. In my mind Epsons are printers not projectors.

    I live in a country where cars are part of your salary. Especially because that part of your wage doesn't get taxed. It is very clear that 'they' installed a very car centric thinking into society. Sure, some people aren't affected or influenced but way too many people are.

    Since a few years bikes are treated in a likewise manner and now 30% of my colleages chooses a bike over a car. That has resulted in a surge of bike sales and that unfortunately. made them terribly expensive.

    I do like cars though. That's why I hit the track a few times a year.

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    TIL that Ferrari & Lamborghini no longer make cars with a manual transmission
  • It's about the whole driving experience stuff. Cars are utilitary and they made us believe it's about passion.

    I wrecked my car 3 years ago and we decided to not buy a new one. We're doing just fine without a car. We need one from time to time but car sharing has proven to ve really cheap. It seems like we have spent over 600 Euros a mont on our car before. Now we just spend a fraction of that.

    Riding for pleasure is something for the tracks, I suppose.
