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  • Camera rear views allow this, common in a lot of trucks, they use the backup camera and feed it through a screen where the mirror is.

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    Chopped this old girl today
  • You can get some interesting explosive results if you monstercrop at about 3 weeks of flower.

    It’s usually just about the right time for it to get roots and veg for a month to be ready when the others are done flowering.

    It’s one way to save from having a mom and keep a continual crop and not have an over vegged clone.

    Edit, or even reveg from a little left over flowered plant too, the possibilities are endless with this plant.

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  • Lots of places have beer fridges, or let their employees hit the bar for lunch or wine and wine clients on the company dollar.

    The hell you talking about?

    You done stalking me yet?

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  • Some people can’t drink at work, the double standards of people is hilarious.

    Looking at pictures of beer or people drinking is no different.

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  • So you would want dog slobber and vomit censored too? I asked a question, don’t dodge it. Those are even more natural bodily functions. Why are you so ashamed of the human body and its functions?

    Of course vaccines/injections are first aid, a tetanus shot is one of the first things they give you if you get a laceration or stab from something potentially infectious. What about local freezing? Epi-pen…?!

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  • You said you find needles gross, what would you call that other than a phobia…?

    And since when are needles an injury? Needles are first aid, and first aid is nsfw…? That’s the strangest take I’ve seen in this post yet, wow.

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  • What? These comments are all in the same post, I could ask you the exact same thing in few comments in this post lmfao.

    This is even in a chain you responded to me first? The fuck…?

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  • Do you not think a dog bite victim might not respond to an image of a dog the same way you respond to needles? You have a very ignorant view here.

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  • Public advertisements depict people getting vaccines and other shots. Thats a weird stance, when you could view that anywhere accidentally, not even online.

    Newspapers, news channels, etc, all depict pictures and videos of people getting vaccines.

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  • I’m just wondering why you seem to have a specific issue with needles, but don’t seem to have an issue with pushing the same trauma if someone has a spider or other phobia?

    I said everyone has a line, yours is needles, others is spiders. Do you want them to accommodate spiders and other phobias and traumas too?

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  • No it’s real life, people are scared by spiders. We can’t just stop posting them because a few people get the heebie jeebies.

    Public advertisements show it, on the TV even!

    You want accommodations for your fears, but scoff at others. You’re just a hypocrite, like I already explained.

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  • And some people freak out with spiders, we can’t accommodate every single phobia out there.

    Public advertisements depict people getting vaccines FFS LOL.

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  • And people don’t have trauma related to drinking?

    Do we need to nsfw spiders? What about other phobias…?

    What you find non-disturbing other people will. That’s a very ignorant take.

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  • Lots of public advertisements depict people getting vaccines.

    Oh no, it’s a needle!

    People find spiders disturbing, do we need to censor those? What about people with dog trauma? You are extremely ignorant if you don’t think people can’t be traumatized by anything. Needles aren’t scary.

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  • An injections an injection. I’m sorry you think there’s a difference.

    I don’t like seeing people drinking on my feed, that’s a drug too. But ones apparently acceptable and ones not? Its probably because of people who think for some reason that natural human functions are to be looked down on.

    People draw arbitrary lines for everything, smoking a cigarette is fine, but a joint isn’t for those same people. You are apparently part of this hypocrisy group.

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  • No, it’s about the human body, injections and breast feeding are both normal things, but for some strange reason a portion of people get their panties in a bunch when people need to do these natural everyday things.

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  • I’m sure most race tracks have breast feeding places actually. Lots of workplaces embrace it, sorry. It’s also legal in public… so…

  • I assume the best way is to go off of date on the packaging for maturity days, but with the weather here it’s kinda hard to determine, they were stunted for a few weeks before even doing anything.

    Could frost here anytime and covering these isn’t really an option! Any advice would be appreciated!



    Was having some nutrient issues from switching lines and adjusting to it, but things have settled and taken off now!


    I let the plant go for about 2 week, than top it and start spreading it out. I try to keep the plant short and under 8” tall during veg.

    After the topping I’ll let it go a week or two to fill out before flipping. This time was 2 weeks, still a few days to go, flipping on Saturday to 12/12 from 24/0.



    They got a little stunted from some mid June frost and some heatwaves, but mid July they finally started to get moving. I honestly thought they were goners, but they just needed the right weather.


    Kind of a cool mutation, it’s not entirely desirable, it uses up a lot of extra energy and can make it a really dense branch with airflow and other issues.


    With the autos I cut down a few weeks ago, brings the total up to 3100g wet. The autos were cut early from nanners, but all in all a really great harvest for a 3x3.
