Future games, innit? The one the ceo of the company that made It Takes Two finished?
It's mind boggling to me that this school exists. I mean they have the achievements of the alumni to schow, so good for them.
But still it's a paid school for game dev, famous for crunch, and worse salary than "normal" dev. So not only will you work more, and earn less, you also have to pay for your studies, since standard CS is free.
what language?

Question about linting/formatting Groovy
I just wanted to ask whether anyone has any experience with liners or formatters for Groovy and could recommend any solution for that.
European countries also need to start adding more specific geographical indicators to the titles. Specifically such indicators that mean nothing to people from outside the country. Wielkopolska's teen, Moravian resident, Sachsen-Anhalt toddler...
and then make them into even more meaningless initialisms.
TIL: I thought it was acceptable
🤦♂️, ah yes, my bad.
octopodes or octopi,
I mean octopuses is correct too, but less fun
where is it from then?
is there anything to admit? that's a fact
thanks for the info. I wanted to purchase it. I guess I'll go with Mullvad then
well it's a jack daniels
executioner *
I guess I can convince myself by rewatching if it actually is good, but:
Cabin in the Woods.
if only it worked
he isn't allowed to
Nature is healing.
Also thanks for providing the info what it may cause.
which government? is it not usable anymore?
What do you mean by saying that ProtonVPN was blocked?
what Software do you want?

Running my server impairs traffic on the network
I've setup an old laptop with linux mint running jellyfin and arr stack in docker containers.
When I run it the Internet in other devices in the network becomes virtually unusable after about 10 mins of the containers having run.
I don't really know what to do, so I wanted to ask for advice.