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Fact-Checking Is Killing Us
  • I actually read your article, and I wholly disagree.

    Facts matter, truth matters and without the A students we would be even further down the road to Idiocracy, which ofc looks more like a future-documentary every day.

    Your brand of "it's all stupid, so join the stupid train" seems designed to appeal to people who want to be stupid. Or you could call yourself ignorant, if you prefer.

    In any case, the anti-intellect position that you promote may have a basis in reality (headline hippos) but it is far from a positive contribution.

    You can do better.

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    Ex-Porn Shop Staff Say Mark Robinson [Republican candidate for governor of North Carolina] Was A Regular. He Denies It.
  • Not exactly ------ no one really buys enough sex toys to become a 'known regular ' in a sexshop

    For-sure he was known to so many staff because he was regularly visiting the 'video booths' area, which generally have gloryholes or other forms of public, anonymous sex.

    Chances are very high this guy was giving and/or getting blowjobs to/from strangers every weekend

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    Star Trek Is Showing More Love To Scott Bakula’s Enterprise
  • I'm not a huge trek nerd, but recently watched the whole series, and the two main irritations were the blatant/unnecessary/annoying/offensive sexualization, and the theme song.

    It's easy to skip the opening sequence but the gratuitous fetishizing was pretty awful. The whole series would have been better without.

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    Voyager 1 returning science data again
  • They figured out how to resolve it weeks ago.

    It has taken this long to implement the results, and to get usable data flowing again

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    Strike On Russian Strategic Early Warning Radar Site Is A Big Deal
  • All this tells us is that Russia has literally zero anti-aircraft/intercept capability --- even for national-level strategic sites.

    They keep getting their turds pushed in by radio-controlled light civil aircraft pottering in thousands of km at highway-traffic speeds.


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    In reversal, Virginia school board votes to restore Confederate names to 2 schools
  • As an army veteran, I have always found the naming of military facilities for shitty racist losers to be blatant pandering and a poor consolation prize to the wounded sensibilities of 'the lost cause' etc

    There was nothing noble about any of that shit, it was 100% about slavery and to be fair, more or less the entire country had been implicitly or explicitly involved in the practice from colonial times.

    So perhaps the consolation prizes and TYFYS-ism of it all was warranted for a period. But that period is well over by now.

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    BOMBSHELL: Biden Administration Has Been Hiding Intel on Location of Hamas Leaders in Betrayal of Israel
  • How is this a "bombshell"??

    No shit Sherlock there is intel that's not immediately shared, or is shared with conditions. In fact, virtually all shared intelligence comes with conditions.

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    What actually happens if Biden wins?
  • One of the two men you mentioned will win -- barring a death before the election, either Biden or Trump will be elected.

    All the wanking in the world isn't going to result in a third option with even the remotest chance.

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    Finally got rid of telegram, congratulations to me
  • I think Signal shot themselves squarely in the dick by removing SMS functionality.

    Previously, you could use Signal as the primary SMS/messenger app. Any conversations with other Signal clients secure. Conversations in SMS/MMS? Marked as not-secure.

    But, out of some purity concerns, SMS functionality was removed and the dev team focused on adding useless shit like "stickers" and then the pin-code harassment.

    Signal adoption plummeted as intended (?)

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    Finally got rid of telegram, congratulations to me
  • Easy! Just replace their usual SMS app with Signal, and then every contact they have that does use Signal is private and secure!

    Oh. Wait. That's exactly the functionality that Signal removed in their effort to ensure that Signal is never widely adopted.....

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    The used electric vehicle market could tempt EV-curious drivers
  • Ehhhh im currently driving a Gen 1 Prius (2003) that I bought at auction for $500.

    I have less than $2000 in it all-in (everything except fuel and insurance, even oil changes).

    I've put about 55k miles on it and it pulls a steady 43-44 mpg

    Hysteria over battery issues has turned out to be exactly that --- these 22 year old batteries are fine. Being used (within the design tolerance) keeps them fresh.

  • Zenith Space Command --- fully mechanical and wireless

    "By pressing a button on the remote, you set off a spring-loaded hammer that strikes a solid aluminum rod in the device, which then rings out at an ultrasonic frequency. "


    1979 Electronic House of the Future

    featuring videotelephone


    Sony DAT Walkman TCD-D3


    Sony Watchman FD-210BE: pocket-sized flatscreen black & white CRT TV (1982)


    Lasonic TRC-975


    Commodore HX-64 concept - handheld retro PC


    JVC Video Capsule Model 3100D


    Soviet Sci-Fi cover --1977


    '84 iPhone


    Raleigh Vektar -- 1985


    The Vektar, the worlds first computer bike, was launched in 1985 long before we had health and safety laws. Equipped with ‘micro chip technology’ the rider could see how fast they were going, how far they had gone and how long they had been riding for at the touch of a button. The head’s down display ensured that you would ride into the back of your mate or a kerb as you fiddled with the control panel.

    If that wasn’t enough you could listen to the radio on one of the three AM preset stations either while riding the bike or parked up hanging out with their pals. Later models came with a MW tuner giving even less crappy sound quality.

    The main feature though was the advanced warning and alarm system. Once you had chosen one of the eight sounds from the ‘revolutionary sound generator’ on the top tube mounted control panel, you could use the handlebar mounted controller to terrorise old ladies as you rallied around the housing estate


    Heathkit H89 -- dual processor computer from the late 70s


    K.I.T.T Startup Sequence

    80's AI in a self-driving car


    '84 Camaro Berlinetta


    1988 Toyota Camry -- Automotive UI of the Future


    HAL 9000


    Kakapo's Nest


    ADDS Envoy Traveling Terminal 600

    #Source: ADDS Envoy Traveling Terminals - Hardware - Retro Computing#

    Here’s an early 1970s portable terminal with fantastic looks, which might be rightfully called the “Polaroid SX-70” of terminals. Sadly, I wasn’t able to put a date to this. The artifact in question (sadly not mine) is the ADDS Envoy Traveling Terminal 600. The Envoy 620, which is also pretty stunning (see below) was introduced in June 1972. (Since this is looking a bit early, it may be 1970/71.)



    The ADDS Envoy 600, a sales brochure (PDF) can be found at 19.

    And here’s the ADDS Envoy 620:


    For more info and images see 38 and 16 on the similar ADDS Envoy 580. 2 writes on the company history:

    “Applied Digital Data Systems, or simply ADDS, was a manufacturer of high-quality video terminals. In March, 1979, ADDS had delivered 100,000 CRT terminals. In 1980, ADDS became a wholly owned subsidiary of NCR. In 1991, ADDS become part of AT&T when AT&T purchased NCR. In 1994, AT&T sold ADDS to SunRiver Data Systems. In 1996, the company was renamed to Boundless Technology.”

    P.S.: A nice source found in one of these pages, providing a comprehensive overview of 1970s terminals, is the “Handbook of interactive computer terminals” by Duane E. Sharp, 1977, available as a PDF at 19.

    PPS: this is a repost from here


    Cassette Futurism in lemmy Cassette Futurism

    Some appreciation for cassette futurism in movies, series, and games, as well as amazing artists incorporating the style.

    as a recently-minted fan of the cassette futurism concept, i wanted to see some here on

    the blog link and probably most of the content for a while will be 'flattery' of the reddit sub, and mods/community/everyone are welcome.

    mods especially
