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An open source/self hosted and federated Tik-Tok alternative, made by pixelfed has just successfully tested federation.
  • @notnotmike @yogthos the addictive characteristic of Tiktok isn't about a massive amount of quality, but quantity hidden among mid quality content. Just all grade-A content wouldn't set off the dopamine that getting dud, after dud, after dud, jackpot, dud again, dud, dud, dud, dud, maybe jackpot no, dud, dud, dud... is a clear path to dopamine

    Much like a slot machine, the algorithm can intersperse jackpot and near jackpot amongst mostly dud content that makes it very addictive.

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    A new trolley era
  • @uriel238 @mondoman712
    In the days before Wannsee Conference (Nazis setting up death camps) but after the invasion of Poland where most executions occurred by firing squad, there were German tourists who would travel to partake in the firing squads. So the trauma is not universal across the human experience and there's some circumstances that would cause individuals to kill. Lynchings and massacres in the US, are examples of this occurring without a war to give cover to killings.

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    'It was so scary': Trump fans at Missouri Caucus 'literally attacked fellow Republicans'
  • @FlorianSimon
    I can read the article without any ads. I'm using Brave browser on my Android phone. Is it that they used to be clogged with ads, like articles were broken up across 16 pages with a ad in between each page? That might have been the case for Cracked awhile ago but doesn't seem to be the case now.

    cc: @shalafi

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    Is decentralised federated social media over engineered?
  • @Aatube @1984 @mindlight
    The private key doesn't need to be memorized, it stays saved on the device that the client software is on, allowing the user to integrate mobile device's biometric reader (fingerprint/face/iris/whatever) to confirm identity, or use security key, there are already different ways to implement it that doesn't require pw memorization.

    I've got a long unmemorizable string for Firefox sync, Brave, Proton Mail/Pass, it's still more secure than pw memorized

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    Is decentralised federated social media over engineered?
  • @Aatube @1984 @mindlight
    Couldn't it be like public-private keys such PGP protocols, where the users have the private key and the platforms have the public key? It's seems quite good privacy, some would even say it's "pretty good privacy".

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • @PlasticPigeon I can reply on Lemmy with Mastodon (with Mastodon character limit), and never tried to comment on pixelfed or peertube, but Beehaw can interact with all lemmy and kbin. I primarily use Mastodon and a secondarily Beehaw.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • @PlasticPigeon
    I have a Mastodon account, and a Beehaw (more civil version of Lemmy, more moderation, no downvoting), and i have no pixelfed or peertube (fediverse YouTube) accounts and yet I can access any account/community/hashtag from any service by either of my accounts. Mastodon has a character limit that beehaw/lemmy doesn't but Mastodon is about following individuals while lemmy is about subreddit/community/magazine/etc that anyone can participate in.

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    Two Cyclists Killed By Truck's Lumber Load In California
  • @frostbiker @Treczoks
    I've got a local grocery/corner store (long shelf life but also milk and eggs) that is a Amazon delivery point and I don't know there's a size limit but it essentially turns the corner store to a big box store all without a 18-wheeler coming down the street. It would be nice to have competition with Amazon, that the same corner store could provide the same last mile service to a myriad of retailers, it wouldn't take much a infrastructure investment for that transition.

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    The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, everyone 🤦
  • @mondoman712
    Best driving experience in the world? The Netherlands, because when you shift a significant number of people off the roads into alternative transport the remaining drivers have less traffic and higher average speeds than an over-reliance on cars.

    Risak is just committing the same mistake Robert Moses made 80 - 50 years ago, building more roads to "solve" traffic but it just induced more car traffic - - and then repeat again and again.

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    New York judge finds Donald Trump liable for fraud | CNN Politics
  • @Doomsider @wlh0242
    Just like Hitler, Trump never got a majority of popular votes

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    How right-wing groups are plotting to implement Trump's authoritarianism
  • @alignedchaos @mister_monster Republican House blocked what now?

    You mean Senator Mitch "whaddya do if another justice needed to be appointed to fill a vacancy in an election year with Trump in office? {giggle to himself} I'd fill it" McConnell somehow used the Democratic held House in '20 to fill RBG's seat with the help of Republican minority?

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    Child poverty in the United States just more than doubled. You can thank Joe Manchin.
  • @beteljuice @IHaveTwoCows

    Just putting this out there:

    David Duke denies that he's an antisemite, racist, or bigot.

    The individual doesn't need to identify and tell others that they are fascist to be objectively fascist. Or should we take the word of David Duke that his bigoted beliefs aren't bigoted because he doesn't recognize them to be bigoted beliefs?

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    Why the Proud Boys' sentences matter: They're scaring the rest of MAGA straight
  • @SoylentBlake @maniajack direct democracy isn't anywhere close to a panacea and doesn't address the neoliberal mindvirus that you identify as the root cause. Individuals voting on legislation won't be much better than the representative "democracy" we have now, with most of the adult population determining their vote on tribalism not any effort to take a deep dive understanding in the content of the legislation. We'd end up at Idiocracy before fascism but that's a mob of dictators instead of one

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    fuck cars, rural edition
  • @kier @kingludd there's a cultural harm that you're not a real man/'Murican/Christian/conservative/etc if you aren't living a life of the non-cosmopolitan by riding a bike or interested in anything else other than car-dependency and all the ancillary things that come with that, since that starts to bleed into the suburbs and even urban areas. There's white-collar workers doing their morning commute in full-size pickups telling themselves that mass transit is for dirty poor people not therm

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    The GOP has a master plan to criminalize LGBTQ people
  • @michaelrose @booty Biden should have, for the good of the party and nation, step aside and have announced he wasn't going to run for reelection. With a lively primary, the narrative in news cycle would be dominated by a bunch of Democrats saying why their vision was better riffing off of Biden's accomplishment (as smell as they were) and contrasting against GOP's criminal conspiracies and apologists for criminals. Instead we will have a return of hide-a-Biden strategy but no pandemic

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    Bernie Sanders urges left to back Biden to stop ‘very dangerous’ Trump
  • @Tak @Pipoca both the US and the UK have fptp single member districts for national legislature, so the expectation would be that in the UK parliament they'd only have Labour and Tories, no 3rd parties representing regional issues, just wings of the duopoply serving that purpose. But the difference isn't derived in that both have FPTP, but that the US has a media environment that propagates binary choices, BBC still strives for viewership but not the extent that US MSM does via oversimplification

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    Bernie Sanders urges left to back Biden to stop ‘very dangerous’ Trump
  • @sentient_loom @cabron_offsets Sanders has been put into a trance of feeling "heard" by Biden while being neutered in any chance of delivering real material benefit to the people. His career as being a truth-speaker from outside the elite, he's shot his shot to do some real good and will probably retire next year.

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    Landlords should have to pay income tax on their rental properties regardless of whether they're rented out or not.
  • @CrimeDad the low homelessness is due to the highest rate of public housing outside of self-identified socialist countries. The first several decades public housing was primarily for relocated squatters and shanty inhabitants, but since the 1980s they've promoted it for middle class and upper middle class improving the public housing stock.

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    Landlords should have to pay income tax on their rental properties regardless of whether they're rented out or not.
  • @CrimeDad can I introduce you to Singapore with 80% owned housing units by government

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    Landlords should have to pay income tax on their rental properties regardless of whether they're rented out or not.
  • @CrimeDad @Coreidan I don't believe this, but I will give it a go in trying to steelman this argument.

    If landlords and real estate developers see a sector specific decrease in returns then they would decrease the capital in the sector and thus decrease the housing units made available for rent.

    This theory ignores the real world where developers opted-out of low-income housing in favor of luxury real estate that either remains vacant or unoccupied while the owner uses it as value storage
