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Reilly goes full Dale Hunter
  • You're goddamn right

  • With all the negativity around the team (and rightly so), a nice light-hearted convo with our captain.

    How many of you actually use the headphone jack on your phone?
  • Throwing the case on a wireless charger every few days is better than dealing with the tangled mess imo.

    Recent convert, I was 3.5 4L

  • Jump
    Ifixit gives fairphone 5 a 10/10 on repairability and maintanence
  • Those days are even further past

  • Jump
    Everyone is fawning over Edmonton rising back to .500 and being back in the playoff race -- but "last place" Ottawa is also .500 (with 4 to 8 games in hand over almost everyone above them).
  • Still a bit young, bunch of our guys just need to learn how to play with eachother at this level. Baby steps in the right direction although last night game was atrocious.

    Will have a better idea when we get back from this road trip.

  • Thanks for the beauty @SensProspects on yt for these. Not long now boys


    How about an hour of Drake highlights!

    Youngo has tons of good videos and must spend hours going through footage and editing these so thanks!


    Some nice insight from Josh and always fun to hear from the boys.

    Tarasenko signs 1yr/5M deal with the Ottawa Senators
  • Wooo im stoked! Dabrinc-who?
