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  • I feel betrayed that a democrat administration pushed to repeal that ban.

    I guess you can feel a little less betrayed.

    Today, the Supreme Court (SCOTUS) ruled 6-3 under its conservative supermajority that a bump stock attachment does not convert a semiautomatic rifle into a machine gun, which is prohibited under federal law. Under this decision, civilians now have access to bump stocks again.

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    Jury defies judge and refuses to convict Palestine Action activists
  • And the only reason he can be retried is that not all jurors agreed. Had they just refused to enforce the law, then they walk free forever (at least from that crime).

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    How much do you all pay for Power?
  • I'm probably doing solar in spring, and I'm paying 20 cents per kwh. It's about a 13 year breakeven time, but that works for my circumstances. I plan to be here for awhile, my roof faces the right way, and it's a reasonable diversification of investment.

    I'll still have some dependence on the grid, especially in winter. Might pull from the grid in some early morning hours, but net metering credits should pay for that.

    I consider the rising price of electricity and the capital gains from an index funds roughly a wash. It's not, but I also don't want 100% of my investments in the stock market, and it's nice to do something responsible for the world.

    So make sure to do your whole installation in one year. You only get to claim the 30% federal tax credit once. So don't go small with a plan to go bigger later. I couldn't do this without the federal credit.

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  • It's actually really valuable. It can be a great alternative to a tracheotomy.

    I don't know if this is in practice yet, but I've heard of it in recent years.

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    Biden wears Trump hat as 9/11 unity gesture, says White House
  • Probably not worth it in the electoral sense, but you know what? I'd rather have a human than a robot calculating the electoral effect of every interaction he has with another person.

    This wasn't strategic. It was just human.

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    Biden wears Trump hat as 9/11 unity gesture, says White House
  • Also it wasn't a "unity gesture". It was a funny moment for the people in the room and/or was intended to make the Trump convert more comfortable.

    Either way, it was absolutely fine in context. The only concern is how it could be taken out of context, and fuck that. I'm tired of walking a tightrope worrying about what Fox News might say.

    If it was a "unity gesture", it was for that one guy. It wasn't for the Fox News audience.

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    MAGA is straight up losing it after Taylor Swift’s Harris endorsement
  • I'll have to try to get a picture from the YouTube ad next time I see it. It doesn't seem real. It's two shirtless kids with giant line scars from armpit to armpit. I don't think there's any legitimate surgery that creates scars like that.

  • >The new spec ... allows manufacturers to connect devices directly to the internet.

    Enshittification comes for all.


    I played long, long ago and I'm toying with the idea of casually coming back. However, I've heard that the cost to play has skyrocketed. From what I can see the most basic, standard decks start at around $500, and only go up from there.

    I'm not interested in coming back if it means spending several thousand dollars a year.

    Say if you were to just buy boxes as the new sets came out, how many boxes would you likely have to buy in a year to be able to build a couple distinct decks?

    Is 2v2 money drafting still a thing? When does the next base set start?

    Any other commentary or advice is welcome. Let me know if this is buying a boat.
