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What are the best skills to invest in early in the game?
  • Started a new character recently, boostpack 4 by level 4. It’s such a game changer, and you get to RP as a boost assault soldier (which btw is wildly effective, just grab a shotgun and go wild).

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • New Atlantis is barely more of a town than the scrappy cowboy outpost. Where are my space cities?? It makes sense for a Skyrim/fantasy village to be small, but when you can ship in infinite food from all across the galaxy with grab drives you have no excuse for a lack of mega cities.

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    Legacy's End Space Battle: how to you beet this?
  • The best ship parts are both perk/talent locked AND level locked. So you need piloting 4 && ship upgrade 4 && level 48 or whatever.

    Dumb af.

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    [Potential Spoilers] Question regarding romance mechanics…
  • I have only gotten a few flirt options, nothing past that. On my second character since my first one’s main story broke. Do you know how long you keep your follower before they care?

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    GRIPE: When I switch home-ships, all my display gear gets dumped together with everything else.
  • How’s this gripe; ‘B’ is bound to, depending on the inventory, Favorite, Equip, or Jettison. So if you are distracted and go to Equip/Favorite an item it just gets trashed. Big sad for quest reward gun :(
