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Modern Linux workflow
  • There's a perceived correlation between trans women and development roles (especially Linux development and rust devs for some reason). This is also the basis for the programming socks meme

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    I banned my kid from Roblox.... what next?
  • Seconding splatoon. Very kid and adult friendly, and basically no micro transactions (unless you count amiibo). No other game has kept my attention like it has for the last year

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    Last night we said goodbye to the Goddess Athena, my 17 year old kitten. She is on Olympus now.
  • We lost our Athena 2 years ago now. I have fond memories of her and how it felt like her name got to her head (definitely felt she should be treated like the goddess of wisdom)

  • Is there any push for Nintendo to allow for using toots instead of tweets/fb for posting drawings?Theyre could even be a central instance for these posts if ability to moderate / retrieve them are an issue

    As someone who doesn't use Twitter/FB, this would be a welcome change, and a good promotion for a federated service
