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OpenAI is reportedly going all-in as a for-profit company
  • If they had something better, don't you think they'd be putting it out front and center? This is akin to all those conspiracy theorists claiming they have proof to back their claims but they just can't show it to you right now but it's definitely coming at some indeterminate time in the future.

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    Trying to build viable third parties by voting for them in presidential elections is like trying to build a third door in your house by repeatedly walking into the wall where you want the door to be.
  • I'm not making sense? You just stated that congress has all the power while now arguing that Trump would have all the power because he's "the leader of the party." That doesn't make sense as you can't have it both ways unless you're just trying to spread misinformation.

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    Trying to build viable third parties by voting for them in presidential elections is like trying to build a third door in your house by repeatedly walking into the wall where you want the door to be.
  • It's really astounding to see how quickly Democratic sycophants mimic the MAGA folks they mock on the right. These are the same people that were telling those of us who wanted Biden to drop out that we were all secret Trump supporters paid by the Russians even though it was clear he was going to lose.

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    Traveler ordered to pay more than $5,000 in fuel costs after flight diverted due to bad behavior
  • Bars and restaurants are public places too. What's the difference? Airline travel is stressful since people are now treated like cattle in a high security area. Banning alcohol sales just means that normal people won't drink at the airport while the people with problems will chug shooters before getting to the airport and be drunk all the same.

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    Americans Clicked Ads to Get Free Cash. Their Health Insurance Changed Instead.
  • That's why I'm convinced it's sharpie or makeup. You can see it really well on his chin right below the corners of his mouth where hair typically doesn't grow as well. You can see the hair sticking up in the center of the chin but along the edges it looks like skin painted black.

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    Raskin, Beyer, Welch Bill Would Bring Ranked Choice Voting to Congressional Elections Across America
  • Nowhere did I suggest that Democrats can't be leveraged to pass this. I simply stated that the actions of a few party members doesn't absolve the rest of the party of their actions and that it's likely their fellow party members will crush this bill so that they can retain our two party system.

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    Traveler ordered to pay more than $5,000 in fuel costs after flight diverted due to bad behavior
  • Wow just directly parroting one corporate airlines solution to the hell that is airline travel? If they'd instead suggested that they fill the plane with knockout gas to put the passengers to sleep, would you be suggesting that here instead?

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    Traveler ordered to pay more than $5,000 in fuel costs after flight diverted due to bad behavior
  • It must have been bad enough for the staff to decide that it's better to fuck up a plane full of passengers itinerary by turning around than continue on with the flight. I seriously doubt anyone would want to make that call unless they absolutely had to.

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    Raskin, Beyer, Welch Bill Would Bring Ranked Choice Voting to Congressional Elections Across America
  • Why do these three being Democrats excuse the rest of the party being to the right of Reagan these days? Those people taking note can also take note of the liberals in the party crushing this bill just as hard as their Republican counterparts. Progressives always take a back seat to the corporate loving war mongers that make up a bulk of the party.

    This is the exact reason why we need ranked choice voting, so that progressives can actually get some representation for once.

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    Android apps are blocking sideloading and forcing Google Play versions instead
  • People want to say we own the device so we should be able to do whatever we want, but blatantly allowing people to install cracked apps with keyloggers onto their phones unintentionally will get them sued, and ultimately hurt how many people stay using their products.

    Imagine every user and password with the site listed was suddenly just accessible by everyone. It would be a hellscape of credit card companies trying to stop accounts because you order 18 pizzas off the dominos app in Georgia, and another 13 sandwiches in the burger king app at the same time in Jersey.

    We need to have the freedom to load apps we trust, but if you look at the standard user base, that's who they have to make the phones for.

    It has been 16 years since Android came on the scene. Why do you think that these things are going to become such a big issue now in 2024 and beyond?

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    Seriously, what the f*** is keeping Donald Trump in this presidential race?
  • People eat that shit up because it's they same way they're fed all their propaganda too. They think Trump is just like them and not some NY socialite.

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    Fake Pokémon Cartridge Spotted At GameStop Raises Concerns Among Retro Gamers
  • I noticed the same thing in the post, but after seeing the pictures in the reply comment, I see they're referring to the part where you put your thumb that's partially obscured by the price sticker. It just says "GAME"

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    She ate a poppy seed salad just before giving birth. Then they took her baby away.
  • Yeah I don't get that part. They're claiming Mythbusters isn't reliable but their counter evidence is simply their own belief on how things work and they admit it is actually possible though unlikely.
