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OOC QC Extra Classy rule
  • One of the few things I miss from Reddit were the extra small communities like the one for QC. I liked being able to chat with the 30 other people who read this comic daily.

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    Reggaeton star Nicky Jam deletes endorsement after Donald Trump misgendering
  • I do too - it's a gender-neutral name. He just pictured a girl, and didn't even think that he might be wrong.

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    Reggaeton star Nicky Jam deletes endorsement after Donald Trump misgendering
  • I guarantee you he asked someone who he was supposed to be introducing right before he went on stage, heard the name Nicky, pictured a woman, and introduced accordingly.

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    Eat shit, capitalism
  • It's true that it's their choice, but a lot of people grew up hearing the phrase "Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life!" so when they enter the workforce and find that they hate it, they look for a hobby they're passionate about, and plan their career around it. But when they make it their job, they find that instead of the hobby making work more bearable, the work instead makes the hobby unbearable, and now they've got a job they hate and have lost one of their passions.

    I'm sure there are some people who can love their hobby even as they are forced to wake up every day and do it regardless of whether or not they want to, but for me, anything I have to do every day becomes something I hate. The best career option for me is to work with something I was already indifferent toward, so it doesn't matter if I start hating it.

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    Eat shit, capitalism
  • I get so many people who react to my baked goods with "Wow, you should sell these!" I bake to unwind from work - what would I do to unwind if baking was my work? I already ruined thrift stores for myself by working at one for my first job - I know not to do it again.

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    OK yes I'm dumb so what
  • I think they're talking about "justified" madness. Realistic madness is just seeing things that aren't there, or reacting extremely to mundane stimuli, but if you had somehow been given comprehension of some higher truth about the world that nobody else would ever believe, the actions you take as a result of that knowledge might seem crazy to those around you, even if they're perfectly logical from your enlightened perspective.

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    OK yes I'm dumb so what
  • I've seen this image floating around for a while, which breaks down the reasoning - or lack thereof in certain media - pretty well.

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    OK yes I'm dumb so what
  • I've seen this image floating around for awhile, which explains this issue pretty well.

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    This is a bigger culture shock than the metric vs imperial system to me.
  • But you're skipping over the fact that ground is the first floor you're on. I get that digitally it makes sense, but the floors are named for human comprehension, not mathematical or computer science arrays. If someone says "it's on the first floor" and you're walking in on a floor, there shouldn't be any confusion as to whether it's on the first floor you walk in on, or the second floor you walk to, called the "first floor."

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    This is a bigger culture shock than the metric vs imperial system to me.
  • Kinda weird to have a floor 0, though, right? People outside of computer science generally start counting at 1. Like I said before - the first floor you step on is the first floor. To say it's the 0th floor would make me think it's a hypothetical floor that doesn't exist, which is usually what 0 signifies.

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    This is a bigger culture shock than the metric vs imperial system to me.
  • Never understood how ground floor and first floor aren't always synonymous. If the ground floor is a floor, then how could it not be the first of the floors?

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    Cheney says Republicans against Trump but not backing Harris ‘not enough’
  • Eh, it's just removing unnecessary words as most headlines do. "Cheney says Republicans (that are) against Trump but (are) not backing Harris (are) ‘not (doing) enough’"

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    The true big boss, king of my heart
  • Eh, I can understand your outlook when it's something done specifically to post it to the internet, like when people film themselves giving money to the homeless, but the guy pretty clearly looks happy to have his pistachios; I'd imagine the story is real, and this guy just wanted to share it, even if there was a less altruistic undertone of getting positive attention online.

    And at the end of the day, there's a net good to doing things like giving people gifts and giving homeless people some money to help them out, even if done entirely for the sake of internet popularity. I like to focus more on whether the person being helped is thankful for it, and if they are, I just focus on that rather than the guy trying to make himself look good for doing it.

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  • My groups usually think of them as a powerful fey creature who sometimes just whisks people away for an indeterminate amount of time, only to bring them back later.

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    Broken thumbnail images
  • It's working great now, thanks!

  • I've been noticing more and more broken thumbnails over the last few weeks, but now it seems like things have fully fallen apart. A little over half of the posts have had functional images in recent weeks, but now I've noticed that pretty much none of the posts made within the last 10 hours or so have functional thumbnails. In-instance thumbnails are fine, but now pretty much every other instance's images are broken.

    Previous posts in the same vein in this community seem to indicate that it's an issue with other hosts denying access to download images, but surely something can be done, right? It's pretty tedious to click on each post individually if I'm just browsing memes. Is this issue just on my end, or is it broken for everyone? And if it's just me, is there a way to fix it? I've tried clearing the site data from my browser (firefox) to no avail.

    A couple screenshots in case it's just on my end:

    Cop Who Shot Sonya Massey Lied to Make a Drug Arrest. It Didn't Hurt His Career
  • A lot of cops are so high strung that you essentially have to pretend you're having the time of your life while interacting with them - any nervousness or annoyance is taken to mean that you're potentially a violent criminal who could kill them at any moment.

    Just the realization that a woman holding a pot of hot water could hypothetically use it as a weapon, however unlikely it was in this scenario, was enough to make him instinctively shoot with only minor notice that still did nothing to prevent him from killing her even as she began cowering and apologizing.

    This is the culture we've allowed the police to build in this country; the job is dangerous, and they're only human, so they believe they should be forgiven for being scared regardless of the situation, and should be forgiven for taking drastic measures while they're scared.

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    Judge Moves Donald Trump’s Sentencing In Hush Money Trial To Nov. 26
  • I mean, most of them probably became judges specifically to gain the power to choose who needs to follow what laws - as well as the profitable position that puts them in for rich criminals who don't want to go to jail.

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    Valence rule
  • 🧅- anion

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    Don't fall for the false dichotomy. You have more than two options.
  • Voting is about choosing good candidates well before it gets pared down to 2 options. It's about choosing a good local government, choosing good representatives, choosing good senators. If the only thing you care about is the President, then you'll never have a good pool of options from which the parties will pick a presidential candidate. They're not on our side - it's our job to force their hand with a deck stacked with good candidates. But only the people who pay attention to politics well before election year get to have a say in stuff like that.

  • Snickerdoodles

    Had to go into the office today - I'm usually remote - so I decided to make some snickerdoodles for my coworkers. I thought they looked nice all neatly arranged in the pan.


    First few batches of cookies at my new house!

    I baked some molasses, chocolate chip, and corn flour sugar cookies this morning to hand out as my wife and I go around introducing ourselves to our new neighbors.
