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What is your comfort activity (like comfort food)?
  • I found this post while playing AoE2. I enjoy playing the campaign a lot because there are so many and because of the sandbox gameplay.

    So I can pretty much infinitely play them and have done so from time to time since it launched :)

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    Russia's Luna-25 spacecraft crashes into Moon
  • You just confirmed that you are insanely brainwashed. Like if you actually think like that you really need to get yourself checked. Because Russia is THE genocidal country of the modern world.

    I hope you join putlers forces and go to ukraine, because honestly the world is better off without you in this state of mind.

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    Russia's Luna-25 spacecraft crashes into Moon
  • Since you are from lemmygrad I guess I have offended you? If it wasn’t obvious already then yes I hate pro war russians and russian imperialism

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    Russia's Luna-25 spacecraft crashes into Moon
  • Good, because they would most probably use it to plant their stupid Z swastika on the moon, because nobody could stop them there.

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    Why *is* everything going to shit?
  • As a UX designer this is some of the dumbest shit I have read in a while. There are countless things that can lead to a shitty interface and most of it has to do with money/intervention from other stakeholders which is out of our hands.
