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Trump supporters really rallying behind a felon and racist
  • I also see brainwashed. The conservative media is a well oiled machine of hate and vitriol.

    Most of them are hard "Christians" so they're already gullible.

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    Russia will grant asylum to people seeking to escape 'Western liberal values'
  • Take them. I just want a camera crew there to document their realization over time.

    Probably wouldn't take much time

    Although,, some of them ARE staggeringly stupid.

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    Could crowded Tahoe evacuate fast enough from an inferno? New study presents dire scenarios
  • I was up there in Incline last July and I was thinking about it the whole time. Single lane roads both ways only and traffic everywhere. Tons of tourist and dry trees all around.

    If that place goes up there's gonna be a lot of dead people.

  • First trip in our new travel trailer to San Simeon State Park
