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Trump Goes on Crazy Truth Social Rant That Makes Zero Sense and It's Obvious He's a Confused, Demented Old Man
  • Screeching the same delusional shit over and over just makes him look like the pathetic shrivel brained child he is. Now it's felon shrivel brain child though and that's hilarious for his weak cowardly lying ass.

    To quote Walter from the Big Lebowski "Shut the fuck up Donny, you're out of your element!"

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    Louisiana’s coast is sinking. Advocates say the governor is undermining efforts to save it. A new Republican governor is taking aim at the state’s coastal protection agency.
  • There goes Landry fucking us over. Called it a long time ago. The shit weasel has been primed and ready to drag this already completely fucked state into the ground. I hope the dopes that voted for this asshat are happy.

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    Louisiana’s coast is sinking. Advocates say the governor is undermining efforts to save it. A new Republican governor is taking aim at the state’s coastal protection agency.
  • There goes Landry fucking us over. Called it a long time ago. The shit weasel has been primed and ready to drag this already completely fucked state into the ground. I hope the dopes that voted for this asshat are happy.

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    Louisiana’s coast is sinking. Advocates say the governor is undermining efforts to save it. A new Republican governor is taking aim at the state’s coastal protection agency.
  • There goes Landry fucking us over. Called it a long time ago. The shit weasel has been primed and ready to drag this already completely fucked state into the ground. I hope the dopes that voted for this asshat are happy.

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    ‘X-Men’ Movie At Marvel Studios Gains Momentum As Michael Lesslie Comes On As Screenwriter
  • Oh great. The one thing that could make me want to pay attention to the MCU again and it sounds like want an X3 right out of the gate.

    For fuck's sake look at all the terrible Fox X-Men films (X3, Wolverine Origins, the third act of the Wolverine, Apocalypse, Phoenix) and do the opposite of that Marvel. It's not rocket science.

    Hire writers that are deeply aware of the X-Men comic universe, do the stories justice, and do the characters justice. People may complain and whine that it's too "woke" but that's literally been the point since the beginning. They should lean heavily into the progressive themes.

    This is the thing Marvel needs to reignite the MCU and if that's the guy they want to write it they may be screwing themselves from the get go. I hope that we are wrong about that.

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    Pirating guitar and bass tabs?
  • I was having the same issue in The past few years so I finally said fuck it and just forced myself to learn things by ear and or finding notes/chords and going from there to figure out the rest. I've been playing for decades so it was time to do that anyway. It's worth it though as you can figure out stuff effortlessly eventually and it'll make you an even better player.

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    The governor of Kansas vetoed four anti-abortion measures. Republicans rammed them through anyway.
  • Republicans hate women having power and just want to control them. They're making that clear. They also don't give two shits about life otherwise they would support policies that actually help people live better. Clearly they don't. They don't give a shit about any of us. I feel sorry for the people that believe they do.

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    In interview, Trump doesn't commit to accepting Wisconsin election results if he loses
  • This loser is beyond pathetic. He's the fakest fuck I've ever seen in my life. And it's so glaringly obvious. How could anyone look at this deteriorated weak delusional coward and see a strong truthful leader?

    The manchild has never once admitted his fuckups, failings, losses, or shortcomings. That's a major red flag. Real men do. This emotionally stunted toddler can't and isn't. He's a silver spoon terrified child trapped in a bloated dying brain scrambled corpse.

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    Trump says ‘a lot of people like it’ when he floats the idea of being a dictator
  • Orange ass lips isn't fit to run a snowball stand much less run a country. He's already proven that. The thought of him trying to be a dictator is laughable. He wouldn't be alive very long into his second term if he pulled that. Talk about putting a target on your head. Especially when practically the majority of this country, and the world for that matter, hates his guts. This shit for brains really doesn't think or look at the bigger picture. He's too far up his own shitcaked asshole.

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    I plan on blowing my brains out soon.
  • I was literally in your position mentally and practically situationally just a brief bit of time ago. The situation isn't fixed yet but my mental state has rebounded to a much better equilibrium.

    So I say to you, having just been through the darkest period of my life, you can make it through. I didn't think I could this time. It really fucking felt like I couldn't.

    But I just kept saying to myself give it another day and see what happens. The days still sucked for a good stretch still but then things got brighter and brighter.

    Is everything now sunshine and rainbows? Not even fucking close. But does it feel like there's still hope? For sure. There is. I just had to stick around long enough to realize there is.

    So I get where you're coming from. I do. Shit looks fucked right now. Like there's no upside to anything . No hope. No future. No peace. No happiness.

    Yet there almost certainly is to each of those things. It's just impossible to see right now.

    Stay around for a little longer. See how things look then.

    And as a final thought here's a mantra my best friend likes to live by and I have come to adopt as well.

    The only real way out is through.
