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  • I suspect pissing about copying a mass of text into an AI to have a 70% chance of getting an actually correct answer is probably harder than pressing Ctrl+F

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    Remember me comrades!
  • We're mainly waiting for you to say "Yes, I was wrong, Hexbear doesn't shill for Russia/China/DPRK and call them communist utopias, and I guess tankies is kind of a meaningless term.". I think that was the point.

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    What are your favourite add-ons/extensions on Firefox?
  • ublock obviously should be installed on Firefox by default. But I seem to have a host of privacy add-ons that break few-to-no websites.

    • Privacy Possum , which blocks certain tracking headers/js. Privacy Badger by the EFF is an acceptable alternative but I've personally found it doesn't block quite as much.
    • NoScript Honestly my favourite addon of all time. You can operate in block-everything mode and just allow javascript/HTML5 from sites you trust, or if you're lazy then just operate in allow-everything mode and every now and then set crummy sites to untrusted (looking at you google tag manager). In block-everything-by-default mode, this add-on will break some sites, but the UI is so easy it's a couple of clicks to trust all the sites in a tab and auto-refresh.

    Be warned - If you're not privacy conscious, you might cry from seeing the hundreds of sites that are running javascript on your machine without asking.

    • User-Agent Switcher Really easy add-on to just leave on and misdirect sites. Never caused me a single problem, and in fact is useful when sites (looking at you Microsoft Teams) claim they don't work in Firefox and refuse to load but actually work fine if you use this addon and pretend to be Chrome.
    • Sponsorblock kicks ass. 30 hours of ads skipped in half a year.

    And my personal silly couple ones:

    • Wikipedia Vector Skin because I'm an old fuddy duddy and I like old Wikipedia.
    • Cat-In-Tab because I'm also an old fuddy-duddy that likes whimsy sometimes. This is just silly but I like it.
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    5 years ago Valve released Proton forever changing Linux gaming
  • It's a collaborative effort. The Wine and Vulkan projects have all done a lot and deserved credit for doing massive, amazing things. But for Linux gaming specifically, Proton has absolutely changed the landscape, and if Valve continues down this path, will make Linux an ever better gaming platform. So I don't think it's unfair to say thanks to Valve.

    Not only have they sunk significant resource into making Linux gaming more viable, they've released Proton under BSD and seriously pushed developers to make Linux-compatible binaries. If Linux continues it's slow upward trend in popularity, Valve will be in large part to thank.

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    How often do you get existential dread?
  • I suspect I've undiagnosed manic-depressive disorder, but either way I get heavy existential dread for 1-4 weeks straight, then reoccurring again in 1-3 months. I also get similar pressure from my industry. So I do feel you :(

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    Are there any studies that looked at the environmental impact of cars beyond just gasoline?
  • You occasionally see studies that include mention cost of manufacture - For instance Cuba technically has lower car emissions mainly because the embargo has forced them to constantly repair cars rather than get new ones. Not aware of any mention of the other facts like maintenance and city planning though, would be cool to see more data about it if it exists.

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    Hexbear federation megathread
  • Honestly, for what little it may be worth, I appreciate your view here. I think if we had this kind of attitude in moderating such behaviour, it alone would go a long way to making for friendlier and more constructive discussions for all.

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    Hexbear federation megathread
  • I couldn't have said this better myself. All I have to add is shaun_vids' seriously detailed (and long) compilation of all the information we have regarding the decision of of dropping the nukes. The conclusion is that the Japanese were already trying to establish surrender negotiations but were being entirely ignored, the US didn't care and instead dropped both bombs despite being well aware the war was already over. They mainly just wanted to be seen as the 'sole victors'.

    Over 200,000 civilians murdered solely for capitalist posturing.

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    Hexbear federation megathread
  • I'm genuinely curious as to why you think this is trolling? A serious point is being made.

    She concisely made a very important point that is absolutely the central underpinning of class relations: "How do rich people get their money?". And to continue the constructive discussion, the original poster only need answer the question "how did they get that money". Finding the answer to that question alone is justification for class war. She also put in some cute goose emojis which are just cool.

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    Hexbear federation megathread
  • I'm not sure if you genuinely didn't realise, but they already said they were Irish, so they clearly mean the United Kingdom. Which has indeed deliberately inflicted mass starvation and violent oppression on the people of Ireland for centuries, with the implied (and sometimes explicit) goal of killing non-royalists.

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    Hexbear federation megathread
  • Just to echo something the main post said - Seeing large images is actually a frustrating Lemmy bug that's yet to be fixed. On Hexbear we post a small, standard emoji-size image and that's all we see our side, so nobody is even aware that others are seeing it obnoxiously huge.

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    Basic descriptions are necessary for collaborative storytelling
  • I struggle with this, I make a minor effort but what am I meant to do when my high Cha, high Diplomacy character is more charismatic and diplomatic than me? :( I either skimp on the RP or do some very unrealistic RP as my awful unconvincing wording magically convinces the NPC anyway.
