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They wrote the rules, playing within them will never set us free
  • You have to set yourselves free. Your lead brained parents really dug a hole. The rich didn’t make the money, they stole it from labor like they steal it from the Treasury. The folks who are so brain broken to defend the rich are either profiting from them or sad losers that idolize them.

    The funny thing is that the rich are fed the same anger towards the lower classes because they too are dumb as fuck.

    If this world confuses you let me help. Remember, we are only hairless monkeys that learned to use tools and manipulate the properties of our environment. We’re not some divine being that deserves eternal lives. If we did, we would actually live forever .

    The culture you live in is all rich propaganda from the beginning of civilization to keep people busy and has now turned into some perpetual idiotic identity war so they can keep robbing you. It’s called Killing Them Softy.

    The Sacklers literally made billions to murder people and the public said “that’s evil but $6B should cover it.”

    Quit being so brain dead.

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    It’s probably for the best not to get much closer.
  • Landers? Joshua Tree? Yucca? Or 29?

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    My honest reaction this summer
  • LOL 111 degrees at 10am in South Florida. That state is soooooooo fucked. People are going to start collapsing like the birds do when wet bulb temps hit.

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    Always point at the source of the problem, not its outcomes
  • Well yea. The people complaining about immigration to poor people out of one side of their mouth and then calling in illegals to their country clubs out of the other side of their mouth proves that they’re just shit bags. It’s not all of them for sure. But it’s for certain the ugly, old, loud ones.

    I grew up around blue bloods and took care of their kids and houses. I went to their schools. They’re definitely playing you all. It’s interestingly funny and sad. Especially the folks who think political parties are real.

    I suggest reading about the society you live in rather than believing the misinformation you’re living with.

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    In Phoenix, 4.5 million residents are living in hell: this is life at 113°F degrees (45 °C) for more than 20 days
  • Its 111 in south florida at 9am. It’s been that way for weeks.

    It ain’t just the shitty desert.

    I was just thinking the funniest thing about being alive rn is that we allowed the people who work inside to determine what happens to the outside.

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    House Republicans' CHOICE Act would roll back some Obamacare protections
  • If you want to know how bad Republicants are at health insurance look at Rick Scott and his fraud. Such a scumbag. Definitely a white supremacist religious weirdo cultist who believes that humans aren’t supposed to have healthcare because death is natural. You know the kind. Rich religious shit bag type.

    It’s all a death cult.

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    Twitter is now X as the little blue bird disappears
  • He did it to silence critics and the X is a symbol to his fans.

    Stop posting about this dude, you’re not getting paid to promote it.

    I swear people have just become slaves to bad content for the sake of acknowledgement.

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    The Pentagon doesn’t need $886bn. I oppose this bloated defense budget | Bernie Sanders
  • L take, this guy has been on more committees than most (if not all) of the current Senators. He understands well. If you have ever written him a letter and asked him direct questions you would know. Dude is a literal power house that nobody has heard of because he does his job unlike many other “popular” ones.

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    The Pentagon doesn’t need $886bn. I oppose this bloated defense budget | Bernie Sanders
  • My friend works for L3 Harris and has been working on useless government contracts for years. The bloat is real.

    The assholes at ID.ME are pushing their way into the government ID system and I hate them because they just want to market bullshit restaurants coupons to me and my vet friends.

    I hate predatory government contracts that happen because shit bag politicians allow it.

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    Poverty is man made, it's not natural
  • Prosperity is an idea not a reality. You have prosperity because you created an idea called wealth. And with that idea comes another idea called poverty.

    Were the cavemen prosperous? OFC. If they weren’t then we wouldn’t be here.

    Humans didn’t create anything. They manipulate what’s already here. They make illusions seem real.

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    Poverty is man made, it's not natural
  • Humans don’t create prosperity. It was already here. Polluting the planet with artificial products and stealing resources intentionally for imagined prosperity is the act of humans and is not natural but a consequence of having free will and contemplative consciousness. Cutting off necessary resources for survival is cruel.

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    Mike Pence struggles to gain attention and traction in longshot bid
  • Mile Pence is that hat you got from an old acquaintance but it’s not a good hat so it gets moldy in a box in the basement.

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    Thank you Steve Huffman for curing my reddit addiction!
  • For real. I miss the old Reddit. I recently took a digital walk down memory lane and found my first reddit link from 2007!

    Good times. I miss Aaron Swartz too. Knowledge is power and he sacrificed himself for freeing knowledge.

    Reddit to me is the digital Kowloon Walled City. Crazy place where you can find anything but also needs to be demolished.

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    Solar panels on water canals seem like a no-brainer. So why aren't they widespread?
  • We has so many years to figure this shit out.

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    Reddit's pathetic attempt to quash dissent
  • It’s crazy how profit seeking trust fund assholes ruined the internet and the future.

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    Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Disclosure Act of 2023
  • Chuck is rich like the rest of them. This is dumb bs and aliens don’t exist. Idgaf. They don’t. The rich are playing a game and y’all are all cool with it because y’all don’t get it. Stop being so dumb and giving credit to this bs. These people are bullshitters. If there’s someone to always question it’s the Pentagon. Pay attention to real government problems like where’s all of our Treasury money? That’s way more important and interesting trust me.

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    Stop complaining, says billionaire investor Charlie Munger
  • How about your old ass puts his other foot in the grave?

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    A Proposed Massachusetts Law Would Ban the Sale of Cell Phone Location Data
  • Carl Sagan was right.

    “when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues”

    He lived through a time when the national guard was murdering college students.

    Since then they have only gotten more sinister.

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    SpaceX Satellites Are Ruining Observations With "Unintended" Radiation
  • Musk is a fucking hack. Please stop this ding song from ruining more stuff.
