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Generative AI is reportedly tripling carbon dioxide emissions from data centers
  • It's not really whataboutism though is it, I'm just pointing out that there are alot bigger causes of climate change that can be dealt with immediately additionally to data centers but we don't, because these things add a convenience to our lives. People could stop eating animal products, people can stop driving cars. I have, it's easy.

    But people won't, so I'm pissing my self laughing at this website crying about AI.

    And let's add that electricity generation doesn't have to be expensive and carbon intensive, we've chosen this course. We keep voting in government that love feeding money into the oil industry, then we get angry when people protest it by sitting on motorways or throwing paint at pieces of art that will be absolutely useless and worthless once society ends due to the climate crisis.

    But it's fine, let's believe misleading information like available in this article and cry about companies trying to revolutionise a piece of technology and carrot on eating off the oil Barron's stick.

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    Generative AI is reportedly tripling carbon dioxide emissions from data centers
  • Ah yes, it's tech bros that are killing the earth, nothing else, nuh uh couldn't be anything else 😂 I don't even like AI in it's current form but you guys make me chuckle

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    UK's first 'teacherless' AI classroom set to open in London
  • It's quite funny reading these threads and it's full of the same technophobia. I wish I had the opportunity to have a specialised tool to help me learning when I was in highschool. I've gone back to university and there's so many tools available now it's amazing

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    OpenAI Pleads That It Can’t Make Money Without Using Copyrighted Materials for Free
  • There's no source in your comment so it's taken with a pinch of salt. But I'm more amazed that DVDs are only half of physical sales. Unless Blu-ray is the other half of physical sales.

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    Training "AI" On Public Data Is Totally Fine And Not Stealing.
  • I think your issue moreso lies on copyright laws than the LLM datasets origination then. Which I completely understand, I hate copyright laws.

    There's TV shows that I can't stream and the only legal way to watch them is to buy the box set for £90. Get fucked I'm not paying that, I'll just download it for free.

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    Training "AI" On Public Data Is Totally Fine And Not Stealing.
  • It's not "At best it's a computer program". It is a computer program, a program of probability that it's response should be X. The training data could be stolen, but it's output isn't.

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    Well, AI made our search unusable dogshit. But AI *also* made us miss our climate goals, so
  • It's not whataboutism. Lemmy is flooded with the same thread everyday about how LLMs are killing the planet. But there isn't the same discussion about how our governments aren't doing the jobs they're being voted for.

    It's a fucking distraction just like the bullshit about trans people.

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    Well, AI made our search unusable dogshit. But AI *also* made us miss our climate goals, so
  • On one hand, yes let's get annoyed at companies for using alot of energy. On the other hand, we have known our energy needs will be exponential for decades yet we haven't tackled the issue. We still burn fossil fuels, despite having the ability to not do that.

    Being angry at companies for building a new technology yet not being angry at the government and NIMBY fuckwads is a little... Backwards imo.

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    Undecided voters say they now support Joe Biden after debate
  • Yes I am aware that Texas is full of morons that vote to hurt themselves. However, 5,890,347 votes were cast republican, and 5,259,126 were cast democrat. It's not as deep red sea as you believe it to be.

  • I have 5 invites available, reply or DM for an invite.

    Whilst I am here though if anyone has a DOGNzb or Drunken slug invite I'd appreciate that.
