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Copilot is starting to feel like a real programmer.
  • It’s a bit repetitive, but it’s not too bad.

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    Ukraine 'light years away' from joining EU, says Hungarian PM Viktor Orban
  • however much I feel the other way, I am legally required to say no.

    Also I am legally obligated to say that I do not want the Austro-Hungarian empire to come back.

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    Ukraine 'light years away' from joining EU, says Hungarian PM Viktor Orban
  • mate just throw the baby out, the rest of it is fine. I don't feel like as a Hungarian that I should be punished for what that piece of shit prime minister is doing.

    don't say to vote him out, that doesn't work in a dictatorship disguised as a democracy.

  • As the title says, I can't log into that instance from the app ("incorrect login" in the scnackbar), while it works perfectly from the browser. I am using a password manager. It would also be nice to have 2FA support.

    edit: I forgot to say, I am very thankful for the app existing, and it's already a nice experience to just lurk.
