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Israel Military Reports It Was You, The Reader, Who Blew Up Hospital
  • It's not "both sides" to accept the reality of the situation.

    This is you, 42 minutes ago:

    both sides are terrorists

    Anyway, I'm done. Enjoy being a stooge for genocidal powers you say you don't support. If this were a post on my home instance I'd be a lot more rude right now; as it is, all I'll say is that this experience, for me, is best encapsulated in this emote:


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    Israel Military Reports It Was You, The Reader, Who Blew Up Hospital
  • Why would I need to check your history? You're both-sides-ing a settler-colonialist genocide here. Hamas's goal is fighting off the Zionist entity, not genocide, and your acceptance of that horseshit claim makes clear that you believe anything the Western media tells you, hence your appeal to the authority of "experts" (all of whom are doubtless employed by, or at minimum enthusiastically on the side of, Western media companies or militaries) on this particular claim, rather than any independent thought.

    PS: Since you're so dependent on "experts," here's some that argue the opposing side:

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    Israel Military Reports It Was You, The Reader, Who Blew Up Hospital
  • No one who believes the (absurd and obviously false, in this case) lies of genocidal monsters is on the side of the Palestinians, full stop, especially if you think it's wrong for Hamas to use violence against the oppressors.

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    Israel Military Reports It Was You, The Reader, Who Blew Up Hospital
  • lmao an R160 managed to kill 500 people when one has literally never managed to even kill 10 before? Come on. You're not even subjecting these claims to basic common sense.

    PS: It was likely an antipersonnel munition, and it burst in the air; the tiles are irrelevant, you credulous fool.

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    Israel Military Reports It Was You, The Reader, Who Blew Up Hospital
  • lmao kindly name the type of military hardware Hamas has that could have caused that explosion. I'll wait.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • So what to expect now?

    lol who knows? Maybe they'll get their act together and pick a Speaker next week like they say they will, or maybe it'll take weeks to pick one. There are fewer than six weeks remaining before the government shuts down again, though.

    Except that some of the Republicans want the government to shut down, because they couldn't manage to pass anything to cut funding from the myriad programs they want to cut (mainly domestic welfare-style spending; Republicans definitely do not want to cut military funding except to Ukraine specifically, and only some of them oppose the Ukraine funding anyway). And while we're talking about the pro-shutdown Republicans:

    But why was he got deposed?

    He was deposed because he got the bill passed at the last minute to fund the government for another 45 days, and didn't let the government shut down instead. He had already upset the pro-shutdown faction by going along with Dems to raise the debt ceiling recently, and this latest offense was apparently more than the pro-shutdowners were willing to take. Meanwhile Dems decided not to rescue McCarthy's Speakership, given that they haven't gotten any political concessions from McCarthy or Republicans in this latest fight at all, so as a result, a handful of hardline Republican House reps were able to oust McCarthy. And now anyone who wants to be speaker will need votes from that same faction to get in.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • The former Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy, was just ousted. So now the House can't do literally anything until they manage to choose a new Speaker of the House. Problem is, it's not clear that anyone has enough support to win a majority of House votes--and since Republicans have only a 5-vote margin in the House, and no Democrat is going to vote for a Republican to be Speaker, somebody has to get the votes of almost every single Republican House representative to become Speaker, which is a challenge given the competing interests within the party.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Pretty sure the House is totally paralyzed until a majority manages to agree on (e.g. vote for) a Speaker, so there's that too

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    The Amazon Is Getting So Hot That Dolphins Are Dying En Masse
  • Children of the future will demand to know our excuses for the lack of terror

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    Why the Proud Boys' sentences matter: They're scaring the rest of MAGA straight
  • MAGA is the 2004 Bush voters, my friend. Did you forget that Karl Rove engineered a win in Ohio by getting gay marriage on the ballot? Now those same hogs are squealing about "groomers" and attacking drag events. They didn't go away before, and they're not going to go away now.

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    Russian Anti-War Activist Sentenced To Six Years In Prison For Internet Posts
  • Maybe from the fact that the bloodless US political class has delivered nothing to ordinary people for decades, and people were ready to grab onto anyone who actually seemed to offer a promise of something different? Maybe from the vast swathes of racism that still suffuse the population, which aren't readily cleansed from a country literally built on white supremacy?

    You libs love to use "sure the US is bad too" as a throwaway line, but you clearly don't actually believe it, seeing as you can't even imagine that this country could elect Trump without being induced to do it by Evil Russians.

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    Russian Anti-War Activist Sentenced To Six Years In Prison For Internet Posts
  • lmao Russia had nothing at all to do with January 6th buddy, that was all Trump

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    Russian Anti-War Activist Sentenced To Six Years In Prison For Internet Posts
  • He most likely doesn't believe Ukraine is able to maintain their territory protected from Russia with NATO's weapon supply, and for good reason, given how clearly this is demonstrated by the utter failure of the vaunted counter-offensive. The only thing your position is really advocating is the useless deaths of vast numbers of Ukrainians (and Russians, for that matter).

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    Russian Anti-War Activist Sentenced To Six Years In Prison For Internet Posts
  • In both cases the rioters sought to overturn the democratic election of a president, and in both cases they did so by storming the legislature. The difference is that the Maidan coup was successful. (Perhaps because of significant US support for it?)

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    Russian Anti-War Activist Sentenced To Six Years In Prison For Internet Posts
  • Those were violent right-wing militias, not peaceful protestors. Did you support the people rebelling against the US government on January 6th? Because that's a genuinely analogous position to supporting the Maidan coup.

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    Dethroning, rises as the second most active instance
  • I wish you had better comebacks than that, anyway, because that was pathetic. And that you weren't a transphobic shithead, but I try to be realistic.

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    Dethroning, rises as the second most active instance
  • They're worth a whole lot more than you, anyway


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    Hey, we should all really stop using racist slang to refer to customozation
  • should maybe have just read the page I linked rather than doubling down on this one, friend; this isn't a good look
