With this insane increase in traffic, came a lot of suggestions for the site in the chat, per email and on social media. As happy as I'm about all the suggestions, I just don't have the resources to handle this amount of messages. Since I understand that the project is now more important then ever, ...

European Alternatives on user contributions
European Alternatives on future user contributions.

Absolutely. I just wanted to do my part on discussing realistic goals, or at least have a take on dependencies.
In today’s times I would love to see a more resilient supply chains and markets.

6 Maps That Explain Global Supply Chains
Eventhough dated (2014) these maps might be a good starting point for a closer look at supply chains and economic dependencies.
In regards to everyday products this begs the question if people could really go "cold turkey European only". It should be impossible, especially since all manufacturers rely on goods from different countries.
Which doesn't imply, that the gist of strengthening Europe is futil. But it makes clear, that this is a marathon and not a sprint.

There was a fediverse solution upcoming a year ago.
Don’t know if it was endurian https://github.com/joaovitoriasilva/endurain
Edit: it was https://docs.fittrackee.org/en/index.html

There is an archive.is link in the crosspost 🙃

Jea, I know these pages, but I thought a little guide or personal experience post would be nice. Nothing bloated.

Not being American or Chinese may now be a help, not a hindrance

geteilt von: https://lemmy.world/post/26602416
Paywall? https://archive.is/uubyQ

Ich werde feiern, wenn Söders Wendehals Politcomedy keine Verlängerung mehr bekommt.

Would you like to post a little summary on how to X-scape? Like a litte post with your experience on server selection and content discovery?

Mastodon Instance
For those searching a mastodon instance, this tool might help to find a neat little living room.

You can pull in content of the bigger one by following users and hashtags. There are several trending and discovery mechanics, so you don’t miss out on content.
I started over at the generic host mas.to .

You picked the biggest instance there is. I would start with a smaller one and then pull in the material you are interested in.

It is American and a donation based foundation without any commercial interest. It is a meta discussion if they can/should be part of the solution but it just works like the free messenger everyone knows and love.

Would agree, but for many people Signal is the free drop in solution.

Hi, this all comes down to the instance of your choosing and the people and hashtags you are following. I had a very positive experience from the get go.
There are lots of highly moderated servers, because of regulations and possible illegal contents. As the personal timeline is only filled with content of your choice, there shouldn’t be much problems.
You can spice you timeline up with a trendingbot or with starter packs: https://fedidevs.com/starter-packs/

Hi, this all comes down to the instance of your choosing and the people and hashtags you are following. I had a very positive experience from the get go.
There are lots of highly moderated servers, because of regulations and possible illegal contents. As the personal timeline is only filled with content of your choice, there shouldn't be much problems.
You can spice you timeline up with a trendingbot or with starter packs: https://fedidevs.com/starter-packs/

He makes ambigious statements (I read the linke nitter link). Eutelsat OneWeb is available now. If it is robust against russian jamming needs to be seen.
Iris2 won't be available before end 2030s or so. But there is another European goverment constellation they mentioned.
Edit It was govsatcom. Source: https://www.politico.eu/article/eu-to-help-ukraine-replace-musks-starlink/ and Infos about the Constellation https://defence-industry-space.ec.europa.eu/eu-space/govsatcom-satellite-communications_en
Others are also considered: https://mil.in.ua/en/news/eu-negotiates-starlink-replacement-for-ukraine-with-four-satellite-operators/

Nennt mich bockig, aber ich denke, die sollten die Vorhaben platzen lassen, damit wir schnell über Vertrauensfrage oder sonstwas Neuwahlen haben.
Soweit ich die Lage verstehe, könnte zu jedem Zeitpunkt eine Notlage ausgerufen werden, so dass die Bundesregierung unter allen Bedinungen handlungsfähig wäre. Es kommt also nicht darauf an, nun alles abzunicken... vielleicht klärt das dann die politischen Spielregeln und den Umgang miteinander.

Well. In my opinion it is about substitues for Ukraine.

Isn’t OneWeb constellation is debated until Iris2 is available?
But we should reconsider the SpaceX launch contracts.

Bei einigem gehe ich ganz persönlich mit.
Die CDU nach dem Wahlkampf in das gemachte Finanznest zu setzen wäre…

Consulting zu Cloud und Hosting sowie individuelle Lösungen für IT-Anforderungen. Digitale Kommunikation mit Open Source Software und DSGVO konform.
I used their services for peertube, but obviously they got more to offer. They use keycloak to have only one login to all their services.
- https://www.fairkom.eu/en/fairtranslate - LibreTranslate
- https://www.fairkom.eu/en/fairchat - matrix
- https://www.fairkom.eu/en/faircloud
- https://www.fairkom.eu/en/fairtube - peertube
- https://www.fairkom.eu/en/fairmailing
- https://www.fairkom.eu/en/fairlogin - keycloak
- https://www.fairkom.eu/en/boardnet - etherpad
- https://www.fairkom.eu/en/hosting
- https://www.fairkom.eu/en/fairsuch
- https://www.fairkom.eu/en/fairmove - Mastodon

Messenger Matrix (by Kuketz)
Messenger: Comparison of security- and data protection-relevant features of messengers
When talking to people don't forget to mention (or summarize) this overview.
If you are fluent in German (or have a good translator) you might also enjoy his blog and persepctive on data sovereignty.

Your stance on (non-European) foundations
I'm curious what your stance on using products and services from non-European foundations is.
The discussion on LibreOffice made me think about your acceptance of open source products or free services from no-European, or even US American, foundations (The Open Document Foundartion is registerd germany, though).
Mozilla data privacy controversy aside my thought would for example apply to
- Apache Software Foundation (OpenOffice)
- Mozilla Foundation (Firefox, Thunderbird, ...)
- Signal foundation (Signal)
to name the biggest.
For me the use of non-commercial or even open-source products and services from different non-European countries is okay, as they are funded by donations.
The whole idea of buyFromEU seems to funnel money into the own economy in order to have a strong market, and also to proudly use European products. The above mentioned foundations help to increase data sovereignty and after all break loose from commercial solutions that

How is Libre office nowadays? Is it a decent replacement to Microsoft Office?
Free office suite – the evolution of OpenOffice. Compatible with Microsoft .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx. Updated regularly, community powered.
cross-posted from: https://lemmy.dbzer0.com/post/39437536
ich wollte nur kurz fragen, ob hier alle die epetitionen-Plattform kennen, einen Account haben und fleißig mitzeichnen (ich gehe ja davon aus). Im Gegensatz zu den ganzen freien Plattformen muss sich der Bundestag ab einer gewissen Anzahl Mitzeichner mit dem Thema beschäftigen.
Hat eine Petition innerhalb der Mitzeichnungsfrist das Quorum von 30.000 Unterstützungen erreicht, so wird die Petentin bzw. der Petent regelmäßig in öffentlicher Ausschusssitzung angehört (vgl. 8.4.4 der Verfahrensgrundsätze).
Es gab bisher einige Achtungserfolge (wie z.B. die Petitionen von Andreas Schmitz (der Akkudoktor) aber häufig fehlt dieser Plattform ohne die passende Werbung einfach die Zugstärke.
Eine aktuelle wehrhafte Demokratie Petition ist aus meiner Sicht z.B. [Sicherstellung einer langfristigen ausreichenden Finanzierung für zivilgesellschaftliche Initiativen vom 19.01.2025](https://epetitionen.bundestag.de/petitionen/_2025/_01/_19/Petition_176907

Willkommen an die Neuen, Einsteigtipps | Welcome to all new users, advices
cross-posted from: https://feddit.org/post/8887388
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(GER) List with alternatives to amazon
In context of the post for a Amazon boycott I remembered this list with Amazon-Alternativen on codeberg .

Discover ethical, independent, and innovative alternatives to mainstream products and services
Yet another site, this time from a Scottish fella, and with a clear message in the URL.
It looks well made, though.

VW verspricht "Mobilität für alle": E-Auto für rund 20.000 Euro - in Europa produziert

Bei Volkswagen soll es künftig auch einen erschwinglichen Elektro-Kleinwagen geben. In Düsseldorf hat der Wolfsburger Autobauer am Mittwoch einen ersten Ausblick auf das Modell gegeben.

cross-posted from: https://feddit.org/post/8786650