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  • Cool, and if anyone wanted to dive into the cuttlefish rabbit hole, er, den, 10/10 would recommend any reading or documentary about them. Astonishing visual communication and camouflage, curiosity, problem solving, and more weird biology.

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  • NOT FISH despite the name. Cephalopods are molluscs like snails! They are pretty smart and can have somewhat elaborate mating routines, and most species are somewhat careful about sperm sac delivery AFAIK. Lonely prisoners are not good behaviour models.

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    Taylor Swift endorses Kamala Harris
  • It's the Hive Mind Stans phenomenon that fascinates me, meme-activated collective action that is a very modern social body.

    Some of the stuff BTS ARMY got up to was fantastic and a bit scary. Also large numbers. Very large.

    So the Swifties haven't been weaponized yet. But they could be, soon. Having deepfake A.I. impersonation of fans made by fascist followers of a reality TV star be the thing that raises their state of collective power to Ready is just... well, I am living in a Gibson novel.

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    General population decline trends in the last years is actually a good news.
  • So you don't think it's worth talking about, or you don't like how it's stated? Or are you using votes simply to mark agreement? If it's the last method, that cheapens lemmy.

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    Best Apple Ecosystem app for To Dos and reminders for our particular neurodivergent use case?
  • Because I can dictate instantly into the Reminders app, without even unlocking my phone, it leaps over executive disfunction issues quite often.

    Hold the power button for 2 seconds and say "add oatmeal and blueberries and coffee to the Groceries list" then go back to my task.

    When I get to the store the list is grouped by type, mostly.

    Or I say "remind me to call the doctor's office at 9AM tomorrow" and it goes into the default list and the task notifies me at the right time. For the stuff I inevitably brush off, there's a widget on my home screen that nags me so I can nurture my guilt lol.

    So, I am leaning heavily into Apple's built in ecosystem for keeping track of things (more private, in theory, as well). I have a about a dozen lists that I add to verbally. Some of those lists are geographically activated so I get notifications when I drive into town that I need to pick up a package, etc.

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    Solarpunk media recomendations?
  • 'Woman on the Edge of Time' by Marge Piercy is the most solarpunk novel I've read so far. Fiction, that is. And it's early '70s!

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    Honda U.S. Execs Say Most Drivers Don’t Want EVs Yet
  • If you had a daily driver EV that was smaller and met your regional range requirements, then rented a long range combustion vehicle for occasional excursions, you would still be saving a lot of money and carbon (plus NOx etc.).

    It depends on your lifestyle in the end.

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    Oklahoma revokes license of teacher who gave class QR code to Brooklyn library in book-ban protest
  • I have met some rentier class people (massive wealth from charging for their massive assets), and their kids went to expensive private schools. The scenario is not hypothetical.

    Kidnapping is a real fear at that level of remove from the 'Great Unwashed.'

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    A unique aquaponics system to produce more fish and vegetables with less energy
  • Our local high school cafeteria program has been running a sophisticated version of this without the biogas element for years. Fish in very large tanks feed the leafy greens hydroponics growing in ranks of pipes on the walls, it's very productive. Greens get used in the popular cafeteria (open to the public) and also the salad food truck they run in the summer months. Fish used are tilapia. Power is solar.

    The students studying food services get a lesson in energy systems and food sourcing as well as running a business. Superb food, too. All mostly due to one chef-teacher with vision.

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    Starbucks' new CEO will supercommute 1,000 miles from California to Seattle
  • In Ministry for the Future, the opposition to this garbage is successful by bringing down a few choice flights with drone swarms, then announcing more will come to those who dare.

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    Why No One Wants To Sell You A $25,000 EV
  • My very compact SparkEV is a retrofit, so the same body as the ICE version: the battery is tiny at 19kwh but it's still like having an extra passenger and then some. You can feel the weight and stiffened suspension when driving.

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    Former Trump voter: Trump is ‘lying about pretty much everything’
  • Um, one thing that helps is reading the entire message, including disclaimers...

    Also, please don't try to reduce media literacy to fact checking, you'll just get hung up on authenticity.
