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2 yr. ago
  • Thank you for getting out there and making your voice heard!

  • Sort of, it’s got Moo Moo Meadows which is originally from the wii game I think. That’s also a great one, and the music really slaps, but the n64 tune has that sweet sweet banjo plucking. It always takes me back!

  • Totally agree. The one I play nowadays is 8D, but I'll never forget Moo Moo Farm and it's catchy tune on the N64.

  • The Wii was perfect for boxing games. Now I’ve got the itch to dig mine out!

  • Rule

  • If I had to guess… State secrets, UFO files, redacted subterranean research, and geopolitical situations stickier than the honey itself. Well, potentially.

  • Haunting!

  • What an amazing book, I couldn’t put it down! It’s contemplative and wondrous, but is also packed with mystery and suspense. Probably the fastest I’ve ever finished a book.