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Young climate activist tells Greenpeace to drop ‘old-fashioned’ anti-nuclear stance
  • Do you not understand how bigger theoretical yield on investment = more development possibilities? I wasn't really trying to get in an idiotic discussion of "You're wrong", "No you" about the advantages of nuclear power.

    I just wanted to tell you your stupid theory about the Russians was befuddlingly retarded. For the purpose of nuclear power uranium supplies on earth may as well be infinite.

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    Young climate activist tells Greenpeace to drop ‘old-fashioned’ anti-nuclear stance
  • You do understand solar panels and wind mills have to be built, right? What do you think they're made out of? Your comment is the most Reddit-esque snubby contrarian gotcha bs. "Other people have an opinion other than mine? No it must be the Russians trying to brainwash those dumber than me. I wouldn't fall for it since I'm such a smart cookie." Russians historically fueled anti nuclear protests and scares in Germany. There isn't a uranium shortage to speak of.

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    Fifa suspends Luis Rubiales from all football-related activity over Hermoso kiss
  • In a video you're able to see all the players, including Hermoso, with Rubiales on the same bus laugh about this like it's the funniest thing. That kind of thing is something you can't reneg on. Hermoso literally lifted him off of his feet in the air right beforehand. The guy had just seen his team win. I don't understand how you circlejerking idiots are making this out for "rape-culture". Is it that you're simply all kissless virgins? It was just a fucking kiss, not even something sexual. I suggest you crawl back into the cave you stumbled out of.

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    Canadian 'poison seller' Kenneth Law faces more charges
  • This bs made it impossible to buy sodium nitrite, which is a very useful reagent as an amateur chemist. Like really can't we just start blaming the people that use chemicals irresponsibly instead of the chemicals themselves, like they're some anthropomorphic inherent evil out to get you.

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    AlphaTauri's poster for the Belgian Grand Prix
  • It's the Flemish lion and Walloon cock, the symbols of the 2 Belgian communities. You can refer to their respective flags for that.
