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GIF of the breakdancing lady at the olympics with the caption "Me explaining mass spectrometry"

Makellose Haut - (wie) geht das?
  • Kann ich da ein paar quellen haben?

    Vorallem zu

    Ob Sonnencreme tatsächlich gegen krebs und co hilft, weiß bis heute keine Sau

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    Volksinitiative gegen Werbetafeln: Verfassungsgericht gibt grünes Licht
  • Musste erstmal googeln was das ist.

    Fantastisches Konzept

    Aber ich glaube hiermit nicht wirklich vergleichbar. Geht ja wirklich nur um eine reduktion der gesamtmenge und wie invasiv werbung sein soll.

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    ‘Right to Repair for Your Body’: The Rise of DIY, Pirated Medicine
  • As a biochemist I would highly recommend AGAINST making your own medication as long as you are not in a 3rd world country like the US.

    Not trying to defend pharma here but there is a reason why pharma companies have to check every batch of any product they make.

    However if it's between risking contaminated drugs and dying? That's not really a choice!

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    Paying for software is stupid… 10 free and open-source SaaS replacements
  • Ah thanks A bit more context would have been nice but anyway

    I was not aware of the distinction.

    Grayjay is source available. But you are essentially not allowed to do anything with/to it.

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    Paying for software is stupid… 10 free and open-source SaaS replacements
  • An alternative video client. Mostly known for pulling add free youtube. But you can have several sources like patreon or nebula. The app is free and source available but they ask you to buy a license if you like it. It's made/supportes by futo

    Edit: changed "open source" to "source available"

  • Hi guys,

    I run immich in docker on Unraid and absolutly love it. I am a bit confused tho about the updates. I always check before updating to see if there are any breaking changes involved. Most of the time when an update in docker drops however there is no new release on the github release page. Does anyone know what that is about?

    Thanks for your help.


    For reasons I have the same headset two times. The one I used just broke. This is the two headsets side by side. Used for roughly 7-8 years.
