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Games that have stuck with you?
  • Vampires, The Masquerade: Bloodlines. The whole vibe of the setting, the story, the locations, and then when I finally understood what the plot was really about. Masterpiece of a game, couldnt stop thinking about it.

  • Ive seen this term a few times, but never an explanation. As a person that (mostly) associates themselves with being Bi, ive never experienced any sort of "cycle". Its it just an internet injoke (cause it sounds like bicycle).

    Modern Pokemon games hold your hand too much.
  • When I was a kid I was super into pokemon. I loved playing the games and they stood out to me for one reason: they were challenging. My first game was Black, and I got stuck on the first gym leader for a few days, but when I figured it out it was immensely satisfying. I would hit roadblock, I would struggle, and eventually I overcame it. Then my friend introduced me to Pokemon Mystery Dungeon and it got even harder. I honestly think that the final dungeon of Explorers of Time made me smarter or something. It forced my dumbass child brain to think outside the box and find solutions on my own.

    Then Pokemon X and Y released, and it was the most stupidly easy game ive ever played. And it kept getting easier after that. Add onto that the worsening quality and I stopped caring about Pokemon. My friend who is really into Pokemon hasnt bought a new game in years, he only plays Romhacks or replays the old games.

  • Like most other people here, I originally came here from reddit. Ive been having a blast so far, and I much prefer the forum-style of this. After about a week of using Lemmy I realized there was something intrinsic to reddit that Lemmy doesnt have. And I wont miss it. Too many people on reddit were way too horny. I was really annoying, but Lemmy seems way more chill. Plus its refreshing knowing that the people on here arent all bots.


    What are your favorite board games? Me and my friends love playing board games, but I get the feeling their tired of playing the same things. What do you guys usually play? My favorite board game of all time is HeroQuest. I never get tired of playing it. Also love Catan, Arkham Horror, Betrayal House on the Hill, Spyfall (great at parties)


    Was having this conversation with some new friends earlier and was curious. When did you guys figure out your sexuality/identity or whatever? Was there a person that helped you or a particular moment or event?

    what is everyone's sexuality here?
  • Although I can see the uses in making up terms to define who you're attracted to, I dont like the idea of putting yourself in a box. Ive had straight friends get really confused when they find themselves attracted to the same sex, and gay friends get really confused when they find themselves attracted to the opposite sex. When you "join" a sexuality you dont sign a contract or anything. A while ago I figured out I was bisexual. It was pretty great for a while, cause I was able to figure myself out and feel more free because of it. I didnt feel guilty for having certain thoughts. However, eventually I started to have some problems with the label itself. In this day and age, what even is a man or a woman? Ive found myself being attracted to people that dont identify as either gender. And isnt gender supposed to be a societal construct? In that case, why do we care so much about it in the case of define sexual identities? Im no philosopher or social scientist, so I may just be talking out of my own ass here so forgive my ignorance. Nowadays whenever some asks me my sexuality (which by the way is a very weird thing to ask people you just met in real life) I always say "on a case by case basis".
