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what would be the best way to tell your supervisor to stop inquiring about your personal life and mobbing you into opening up?
  • A supervisor should understand the concept of respecting people's boundaries. You could always say something like "Hey I'm not really in the mood to talk right now" or "This isn't something I want to talk about". Just a fair warning if you do this, you might get labeled as the odd one the same way you mentioned if you go to HR (the HR one would be a bit worse if I'm being honest).

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    Loneliness venting
  • Sometimes people get used to using certain "crutches" without forcing themselves to be better to not need it. Maybe your friend leaving gives you this kind of opportunity. An opportunity to self reflect and identify what aspect of your life you want to improve. It most definitely will not be easy, and I'm very sorry you're in a situation where seeking therapy is not really an option. But sometimes you need it to get worse before it gets better.

    The important thing to keep in mind on this journey is forgiveness and kindness. Learn to forgive yourself for any mistakes you made and will make. Be kinder to yourself and the progress (or lack thereof) that you made. This circles back to some points you made like being betrayed by people close to you. Opening up to them and being kind to them isn't a reflection on your poor judgement or naivety. It's more of a reflection on their character. You shouldn't spin this account as a negative outlook on yourself.

    I hope you get out of this rough spot OP.

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    I think everyone should listen to Taylor Swift.
  • 30 year old man here. Pretty much all of her songs I listened to against my will just because of how much they're on the radio. Can't deny some are pretty catchy and get stuck in my head though. I like her old romancy songs like Love Story. I'm a sucker for romance.

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    How does one become an actual terrorist? Does it not require a lot of money and knowledge to do anything? I don't get how poor countries come up with groups when being poor?
  • These countries you're thinking of are usually attacked regularly where survival is an everyday struggle. For people who dedicate their everyday to survival; it's only expected that they would be fighting back.

    In terms of funding...a lot of rich people would love to take advantage of people in this kind of situation. You could also easily make the argument that these rich people help cultivate this kind of situation for their own benefit as well.

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    [Meta] I think there is a real need for this community to have a fact checking bot.
  • You're completely right. That being said however, I feel as fact-checking via AI is jumping from one extreme to the other. There's too much room for error with having an AI monitor and fact check this kind of topic.

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    63% of Gen Z Would Rather Play Video Games Than Watch a Movie — GamerBlurb
  • This isn't an uncommon or unheard of fact....Googling it will produce a lot of results and studies surrounding it..

    For instance, it has been found that using computers excessively can lead to impulsivity, hyperactivity, disorganization, restlessness, and difficulty concentrating and completing tasks - all signs of ADHD. instance%2C it has been,tasks - all signs of ADHD.

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    Canada's Trudeau faces crucial election test as questions over leadership loom
  • I wouldn't be surprised if Trudeau is watching what happens with the American election and will base his decisions on that. There haven been some parallels drawn already.

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    The Carbon Tax Is Good for Canadians. Why Axe It?
  • I truly hate what Conservatives have done to politics in this country.

    Why is working towards a cleaner and better environment such a controversial issue? They've turned the political landscape into an outrage theatre on what pisses people off the most.

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    63% of Gen Z Would Rather Play Video Games Than Watch a Movie — GamerBlurb
  • I'm sure people will see this and think things like "Oh well, of course they would have you seen the quality of movies lately?" or "Well Gen Z tend to be more social than previous generations so that probably is a factor".

    While true, I wonder how much of it is due to engagement? Gen Z is the first generation who grew up primarily on technology. We've all seen parents who just give their kids their phones or tablets and let them sit there quietly for hours. It tends to lead to hyperactive minds and movies wouldn't satisfy that kind of person (usually). Games definitely would though.

  • I noticed it's considerably worse when I run outside on the street/sidewalk as opposed to on a treadmill. I usually run first thing in the morning so I've taken a few minutes to stretch my legs thinking that may be the cause but it hasn't really helped. The only other thing I can think of is that I have flat feet.

    Anyone else deal with this and have an idea on how to overcome it?
