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Piracy advice
  • Is there literally any evidence that the US government managed to extract useful information from no-log vpn providers in the US?

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    Russian banks say they've run out of yuan as Chinese firms pull away from the nation
  • You asked for an example of a country changing its attitude, that is what happened in Iran to negotiate the nuclear deal. Now you are moving the goal posts and claiming that it wasn't sufficiently successful in the long run. That may well be, but it has nothing to do with the presence or absence of sanctions.

    I also want to point out that sanctions often work far more subtly than what you imagine. If six months from now, Ukraine and Russia engage in successful peace talks, sanctions will certainly have played a role in shifting Russia's position closer to that of Ukraine, but on the surface it will be impossible to tell by how much.

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    Russian banks say they've run out of yuan as Chinese firms pull away from the nation
  • The goal is to make the cost of waging war increasingly painful to pay. There is no other way to effectively do this than to target the entire country.

    Off the top my head, the sanctions on Iran were pretty effective to get them to negotiate the nuclear deal. Until Trump tore that one up, that is.

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    Großer Polizeieinsatz in Münchner Innenstadt bei NS-Dokuzentrum
  • When Austria sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're bringing crime. They're terrorists. They're dictators. And some, I assume, are good people.

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    AfD victory in Thuringia: Scholz urges 'firewall' to keep out far right
  • The courts decide if a party can be banned the government can only initiate the process, also most experts on constitutional law seem to be of the opinion that a ban for the whole party is unlikely and even if it succeeded the would just be a replacement party stepping in to fill the void.

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    Wahl in Thüringen: Die CDU hat nun zwei Probleme
  • Die AfD hätte die Möglichkeit die Ministerpräsidentschaft der CDU zu überlassen, im Gegenzug erhielte sie dafür das erste Mal Regierungsbeteiligung auf Landesebene und Legitimation für zukünftige Koalitionen.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Just try it one more time bro, it will be different this time, bro, I swear price caps will work this time just try it bro

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  • Big difference between "I don't think Russia is going to invade" and "Russia will never invade, was never going to invade, everyone who thinks so is stupid", Crimea is just a big joke, anyone who thinks otherwise is "liberal QAnon", the only reason the West is claiming this is because they are stoking tension.

    It's the analysis of international affairs at the level of a 15 year old. It's cringe, it's frequently wrong, and it's delusional. There was no fundamental analysis on the feasibility of a Russian ground invasion.

    Plus I remember at the time even people in Ukraine didn’t think it was gonna happen and that it was just America saber rattling.

    What is this even supposed to mean? Some people probably did. I don't know how this is relevant, to him being so confidently wrong about it.

    But even so after he was proven wrong he took responsibility and was open about the fact that he was wrong.

    This is irrelevant. His analysis was completely delusional.

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  • What delusional takes has Hasan had?

    In his infinite wisdom and understanding of international affairs Hasan predicted, several times, that Russia would never invade Ukraine, was never going to invade Ukraine in the first place and all warnings from the West were lies to stoke up international tensions.

    Days before Russia invaded Ukraine.
