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I went to a Hololive concert and now I’m convinced VTubers can do anything
  • Correction: A previous version of this article mistook the Austrian flag for the German flag. We’ve edited the article to reflect this.

    …how does that happen, exactly? They’re not really similar lol

    Anyway dammit dang it, the article made me even more envious… hope we’ll see one of these in Europe too, someday!

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    Never believe the hype.
  • The person claiming this is @TheBestFigen. And who is that? Why are they reporting this? You don’t trust random sources on twitter for news.

    Idk but they have more than a million followers. If someone with that reach posts misleading information it’s good to correct it.

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    Trump's Project 2025 is now being searched in Google more than Taylor Swift and the NFL
  • “Finish the job” to me means giving them much more support than now, and having them annihilate any kind of Palestinian resistance. Basically Israel wins, there is no Palestine anymore, and Islamic people in Gaza get treated like Uyghurs in China.

    That would’ve caused the same amount of casualties, if not more, and ensured every surviving Palestinian would be forced to live as a subhuman. And even if I’m wrong, it doesn’t really change much if you draw the line at “aiding a genocide”. A 3-month genocide is still a genocide.

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    Trump's Project 2025 is now being searched in Google more than Taylor Swift and the NFL
  • No one is saying Biden isn’t responsible for the genocide. The thing is, issues were already clear during the Trump mandate and he didn’t do anything to stop them either. I’m convinced if this was Trump’s second term, the situation would be much worse (aka, in his words, they would’ve already “finished the job”).

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    Suggestions for Canvas and future events!
  • I personally think the whois pixel function should also show the exact coordinates of the pixel, to make it easier to find the exact spot for templates.

    Unless I missed something, the only way of doing it now was using the coordinates in the bottom left and then working from there.

    That’s just a minor gripe anyway, the whole thing was great, thanks for organizing it!

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    Trump's Project 2025 is now being searched in Google more than Taylor Swift and the NFL
  • The difference is the Holocaust happened a long time ago, and Trump wasn’t even alive at the time.

    The whole Gaza genocide escalated after his four years of presidency which have seen him support Netanyahu (and vice versa).

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    The Tool Bear
  • It’s just “new thing weird”, really. No one had issues with people like HowToBasic or Dream not showing their face, it’s just that people see the virtual anime avatar and are confused (or horrified, if they’re that kind of people).

    I fully believe it’ll become as accepted as anime if they don’t somehow lose the momentum.

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    The "Don't vote" crowd seems to have an agenda
  • Because Democrats in the US are right-wing too. And they know as long as Republicans keep pushing literal comic book villains, leftists are forced to vote for them. They don’t have to try harder, because they know any leftist that actually knows how the system works will vote for them even if they just do the bare minimum.

    The only way for that to change is to keep voting for the lesser evil, because once Republicans lose enough terms in a row they’ll have to shift more towards the center, and at that point Dems will be forced to actually go left because “we’re not threatening democracy” won’t be enough anymore to get elected.

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    The "Don't vote" crowd seems to have an agenda
  • Mostly because the people that don’t feel represented are overwhelmingly on the left.

    You won’t find many right-wing people dissatisfied with the current choices, if they’re extremists they’d vote Trump and if they aren’t they’re probably fine with Biden. The only reason I can think of for a potential Republican voter not going is that they think Trump will win anyway and they don’t need their vote.

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    The "Don't vote" crowd seems to have an agenda
  • Uhh… you know, usually if someone loses that hard in popular consensus, it’s a pretty widely accepted strategy to get their policies closer to the ones who won.

    Like how after three consecutive Republican terms, the left propped up Clinton.

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    Trump World ‘panicking’ as Project 2025 gets on the radar of voters
  • Afaik, it’s not really that clear.

    I mean, it’s pretty clear Trump was very close with Epstein, and that already paints a very bad picture, but it seems like the whole Jane Doe case never got anywhere, and no one is sure she even exists.

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    Armed to deter cops
  • Well first, they don’t really need to “coordinate”. One city can do it on its own and the others that agree can follow. Second, homeless people are often a “nuisance” for cities and this wouldn’t be the first thing they do to intentionally make their life miserable (see anti-homeless benches). Some cities try to solve it with social programs, others just do this stuff waiting for it to “””solve itself”””.

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    Armed to deter cops
  • This article talks about the ordinance. Yes, you can feed them in specific situations and places. Still, you can’t tell me it isn’t making it intentionally hard to do.

  • Italy’s parliament erupts into violence over government bill

    The scuffle broke out in the Chamber of Deputies when a member of the populist Five Star Movement tried to give the Minister of Regional Affairs an Italian flag.

    Italy’s parliament erupted into violence on Wednesday when a lawmaker was attacked while trying to hand an Italian flag to another MP over a local government bill.

    According to local media, the lawmakers had been discussing a bill on so-called differentiated autonomy, introduced by the right-wing government of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.

    The draft law calls for Italy’s individual administrative regions to be given wider rights of self-governance, which the Five Star Movement is against, fearing it will lead to the “disintegration of Italy.”

    During the ensuing brawl, Donno was knocked to the ground and later taken to hospital in a wheelchair.


    It looks like the r/Nijisanji mods nuked the last 2 months' posts

    New posting is restricted and the only posts from the past two months are from their official account.

    Took them long enough to realize how "negligible" the impact has been on the english community.


    So I was skimming again through the comments of a thread, and saw a comment with 42 upvotes, including mine, and no downvotes, as “removed by a mod”. I was curious about which comment was it and the reason, but looking at the modlog, the only action shown against that account is apparently a mod banning it from the site with reason “rape jokes are not tolerated here”. Looking at the account, its whole comment history has been nuked.

    Now, I have numerous questions:

    -Can mods ban people from the whole site? I thought only admins could do that?

    -What does “banning from site” actually mean? Comments were deleted from every instance, does an admin (or mod) from one instance have such “power” over the others?

    -I’m pretty sure I did NOT upvote a rape joke, is it really correct to nuke the entire comment history of an account just because of one violation? I’m afraid that could lead to a huge loss of content as the site progresses. Especially if simple mods can do that.

    I can link to the specific account/comment if I get authorization, not sure if that’s allowed.


    I noticed removed comment behavior is particularly weird, on exclusively (so I don’t think it’s software-related?).

    As opposed to other instances, where they show up as “removed”, here they don’t show up at all. If it’s a parent comment you can’t see it or any of the replies, and if it’s a reply the parent comment shows with “(X) more replies” under it, which upon clicking just loads infinitely.

    Is this intended behavior? It seems limiting (and pointless to have links in the lodmog since they don’t work and you can’t see the context anyway).

    Accessing by firefox/mobile safari, on the regular website without any clients.

    2 Colombian Graphic Designer Scams National Media Into Believing She Worked "Hand-In-Hand" With Hayao Miyazaki On 'The Boy And The Heron'

    Barranquilla-based graphic designer Geraldine Fernández claimed she contributed 25,000 drawings to the film's production.

    Hayao Miyazaki’s The Boy and the Heron will premiere in Colombia on January 25. Ahead of that debut, the film is getting an unplanned and likely unappreciated marketing push, as a local woman has gone viral for convincing major media outlets that she drew around 25,000 frames for the film’s production.

    0 Colombian Graphic Designer Scams National Media Into Believing She Worked "Hand-In-Hand" With Hayao Miyazaki On 'The Boy And The Heron'

    Barranquilla-based graphic designer Geraldine Fernández claimed she contributed 25,000 drawings to the film's production.

    Hayao Miyazaki’s The Boy and the Heron will premiere in Colombia on January 25. Ahead of that debut, the film is getting an unplanned and likely unappreciated marketing push, as a local woman has gone viral for convincing major media outlets that she drew around 25,000 frames for the film’s production.


    Canvas (Lemmy’s version of r/place) started today (at, and I figured trying to place at least the main logo (maybe Stars too) would be cool.

    If anyone wants to help I’d love it, there’s even a built-in way to add a template in the options (I’m currently using the original 2022 one, starts at 812,486).

    Either way, I’m still going to put it there or die trying, so if you see something resembling it in the final canvas you know whose fault it is lol


    Basically, I was trying to view this post from this instance and for some reason the picture wouldn’t show up in regular browsing. So I tried clicking it and multiple times, without fail, every time I open it I get logged out from Any reason why might this happen?

    This is the link in question:


    I’ve been logged out from my account three times in the past hour. Is something weird happening again?

    I’ve been on during yesterday’s redirecting issues, if it matters.

    30 Pokémon Go creator Niantic accused of ‘systemic sexual bias’ in lawsuit

    The lawsuit alleges female employees view Niantic as a “boys club.”

    0 Pokémon Go creator Niantic accused of ‘systemic sexual bias’ in lawsuit

    The lawsuit alleges female employees view Niantic as a “boys club.”


    So, I recently came across a post on (my current instance) where every comment showed up as "removed by mod". I was curious to see what happened, so I opened the Modlog, filtered by "Removing Comments" and cycled through all the mods of that community (not sure if there's a better way), but found absolutely nothing. Am I using it in the wrong way? I can link to the post if the moderators confirm it doesn't count as witch-hunting.


    Raid ready button live for some users

    Additional info:

    • The ready button works with all kind of raid passes
    • The ready button works in both public and private lobby
    • The ready button will only be enabled when there is 2 or more players in lobby so no instant solo
    • The ready button disappears when there is 15s left
    • When all players are ready the countdown will move to 10s instantly
    • Once the lobby hit 20 players the countdown will move to 10s instantly. However players are still given a chance to leave without consuming a raid pass

    Credit to u/Ox0c on Reddit


    Raid ready button live for some users

    Additional info:

    • The ready button works with all kind of raid passes
    • The ready button works in both public and private lobby
    • The ready button will only be enabled when there is 2 or more players in lobby so no instant solo
    • The ready button disappears when there is 15s left
    • When all players are ready the countdown will move to 10s instantly
    • Once the lobby hit 20 players the countdown will move to 10s instantly. However players are still given a chance to leave without consuming a raid pass

    Credit to u/Ox0c on Reddit
