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Women-only museum becomes a toilet to keep men out
  • One is being exercised as a demonstration and if there were places for women, like gyms it would be out of a feeling for a need for safety. The other was used to implement and maintain a foundationally masculine and abusive structure of power.

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    Women-only museum becomes a toilet to keep men out
  • It was but it was more krass so I reworded it and went at it again. ;)

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    Women-only museum becomes a toilet to keep men out
  • Thank you. The reaction to this is vile. Thousands of years of bullshit for being a woman, one art exhibit, and now the dudes are screaming about re-restricting public space to women as if they came up with a thought provoking exercise.

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    Women-only museum becomes a toilet to keep men out
  • Yup. Thousands of years of female exclusion - and it still continues in circles to this day, but one museum and now they're crying about basically re-excluding women from everything as a "thought exercise."

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    Women-only museum becomes a toilet to keep men out
  • Good luck, girl. The manosphere cannot take even a milligram of its own medicine without losing their shit.

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    Women-only museum becomes a toilet to keep men out
  • Ok? I thought the trash stayed on reddit. Apparently not.

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    Women-only museum becomes a toilet to keep men out
  • |You would likely be screaming about the sexism from the top of your lungs if a business refused to take women as customers|

    When has anything women had to say mattered to structures of power, though? Kind of the whole point to any of this.

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    Women-only museum becomes a toilet to keep men out
  • Was just saying how I wish there were women only gyms because I don't feel comfortable in coed gyms. Men are fucking creeps and do not respect personal space in my gym going experience. The reason there are no women only gyms in California is because men's rights groups sued them for discrimination. So basically there aren't any safe places to go to the gym for people like me.

    edit: good to see the lack of reciprocity or willingness to look at this issue for what it actually is from certain instances.

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    Lithium-free sodium batteries exit the lab and enter US production
  • It helps maintain the salt content...

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    House Passes Bill That Defines Criticism of Israel as “Antisemitism”
  • I am so sick of fascism. Will there ever be a time in our lifetimes that it won't be as thick?

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    US House passes bill that expands definition of anti-Semitism to comparing Israel with Nazis
  • Honestly, this was a helpful comment. And now I am super extra charged to vote Jimmy Gomez out.

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    The Tech Baron Seeking to “Ethnically Cleanse” San Francisco
  • It is 100% way overdue to take a lot of tech away from these cunts and make it public infrastructure.

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    Israel has carried out airstrikes on Iran, US officials say
  • So this means they can't attack Rafah now, right? Right? Since they went back on their retaliation agreement and all...

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    Iran Acknowledges Drone Attack by Israel and Says It Failed
  • Didn't the US just "give Rafah" to Isntreal as an agreement that Isrealhell won't retaliate on Iran?

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    Supreme Court Expands Access To Roofies
  • I did too. I hate that it's plausible enough today.

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    US says Israel has not violated international law during Gaza war
  • This is the correct answer.

    I was just gonna say how fucking ironic it is the US became full on Nazis after defeating them 70 years ago. I know Amurica secretly gave the Nazi scientists a place to hide after WWII but what we've become is next level. Or maybe we've always been this way and it's just become more evident. Either way, this backing of genocide, killing semitic people using the name of semetic people is white supremacist as fuck.

  • Been using Marcin's beautifully created bookmark manager since yahoo killed delicious. It was yahoo that bought it right? I digress. Anyway, I've been paying for his service since he mentioned it would be helpful if the old users also contributed BUT the site's downtime has been rough and unpredictable lately. It's just worrying mostly because Marcin doesn't seem to be minding the incoming questions. Emails go ignored. He doesn't seem to upkeep his pinboard focused google group either. He is active on twitter but one needs a twitter account to see twitter anymore so that's not helpful for non twitter account holders. I'm just generally concerned. Any pinboard users here? It's probably time to start running my own bookmark system isn't it? Your thoughts on the stability of pinboard?


    Is there really no way to turn off iCloud notifs from emailing you?

    I don't want to use the iCloud storage but it did end up somehow uploading an amount of my photos, not completely using up the free storage but almost. And it is emailing me pretty much every single day to upgrade. I don't want to. I can't find anything that tells me how to get it to stop email harassing me. Is there no way to make it shut up?


    May be a dumb question but are there any one in the same fediverse and rss readers in one for android?


    Hey - what else do you all do to back your data up outside of just depending on icloud or dropbox? I'm just curious how everyone handles additional backups.


    Is this the main community to ask stuff on this instance?

    I feel like I've seen another community where one can ask questions to more users.


    A) sorry if we're not allowed to ask our questions here. I can delete.

    B) if we are allowed to ask questions then I'm just here to ask any thoughts on why walking 10k+ steps a day - including lots of stairs - and eating mostly meat, veggies, and rice for the last three weeks resulted in a gain of three pounds?


    Do 150,000 people need homes in Fresno or is this a new real estate money laundering scheme for the ultra wealthy to park their money? Honest question.


    Would I get banned from one of those sites asking for some rich person to just give me money for school and not weird foot related butthole stuff?

    edit: why is this question getting shit on? it's a legit question.

    edit again: jesus this community is mean af. i'll see my way out.


    Question: How can I search a community to check if someone already posted my question

    God I feel dumb asking this question but I can't seem to do this thing.
